Consultancy and Research Commercialization Service

Research Consultancy

means when a faculty staff provides academic or research consultancy relating to his/her skills and expertise to an external institution in return of financial remuneration or as a voluntarily free service. Research consultancy may cover consultancy provided to the industrial sector, academic institutions, publishers, schools, universities, ministries, etc. Consultancy is often governed by short-term contracts/agreements that define the financial issues and the responsibilities of each party.

Research Commercialization

means the commercialization of discoveries, inventions, and patents resulting from applied research projects funded by Al Buraimi University College. It also covers the publication of a research work that would provide the author/faculty member with financial royalties.

The Aim of Consultancy and Commercializing Service:

  1. ensuring transparency, professionalism, and ethical conduct in all consultancy activities undertaken by the organization and its staff.
  2.  disseminating the expertise and knowledge of BUC faculty among local and external companies and industrial and academic institutions.
  3.  Articulating the strategic objectives of the college as outlined in its vision: to position BUC faculty, alumni, and students as leading voices in the region.
  4. Regulating the procedures of establishing staff engagement in consultancy services and the management of commercialization activities in terms of contractual issues and financial and legal liabilities.

Types of Consultancy Services:

  1. College Consultancy: This form of consultancy is established through negotiations between the college and a client, wherein the academic staff member engages directly with the client while operating as an official representative of the college. As such, the staff member benefits from the comprehensive support of the college.
  2. Individual Consultancy: In this type of consultancy, the academic staff member conducts consultancy services independently as a result of their direct engagement or negotiation with a client. This form of consultancy typically involves the individual staff member taking the lead in all interactions and arrangements with the client.