Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

Article (1):

The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in these Regulations, shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless expressly provided otherwise.

College       : Buraimi University College.

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Buraimi University College.

Council        : College Council.

Dean           Dean of Buraimi University College.

Assistant Dean: Assistant Dean for Academic Support Affairs.

director       Director of Student Affairs Department at the College.

Student       : Every male or female student enrolled in the college to study, regardless of their educational levels.

Committee :Student Accountability Committee.

Violation: Any act, saying or behavior that violates the rules, regulations and instructions in force in the college.

Disciplinary Penalty: Any penalty stipulated in these Regulations.

Exam          : Every test or evaluation performed in the college in accordance with the provisions specified by the regulations of study and examinations in the college.

Article (2):

All students of Buraimi University College and enrolled in training programs and courses of any kind and level are subject to this regulation, and the student may not invoke ignorance or lack of knowledge of the rules and regulations of the college and this regulation is published on the college’s website.

Article (3):

 This regulation aims at the following:

  1. Ensure the quality of the educational process and its supporting activities in the college.
  2. Controlling the behavior of students and the like within the college or in any of its facilities.
  3. Correcting wrong behaviors educationally and academically.

Article (4):

In the event of a violation that requires the imposition of a disciplinary sanction, a detailed record of the facts and circumstances of the violation shall be drawn up from the seizure of the violation, and the documents and statements of witnesses, if any, shall be attached, and the record with the attachments shall be submitted to the Dean of the College through the head of the department, who decides to refer the violating student to the Student Accountability Committee.

 Article (5):

If the violation attributed to the student involves a criminal offense, the committee may submit the matter to the chairman of the college board of directors with its recommendation to refer the violator to the competent judicial authorities, and in the event of referral to the committee, stop the accountability procedures or proceed with the procedures for imposing the disciplinary penalty on the violator if it deems it appropriate. This shall not preclude the conduct of investigation and trial procedures before the competent judicial authorities if the violation constitutes a criminal offence.

Article (6):

The imposition of the penalties provided for in these Regulations shall not preclude the criminal liability of the violator if the violation constitutes a criminal offence or a violation of any law, regulation or decision in force in the Sultanate, nor shall the imposition of a criminal penalty on the violator prevent the imposition of the disciplinary penalty provided for in these Regulations.

Article (7):

The student referred for investigation under these regulations may not withdraw from the college or evacuate him from it before the completion of the investigation procedures with him, and the procedures for his graduation and evacuation shall be suspended until a decision is made on the violation attributed to him by a final decision.

Article (8):

Any act, speech or behavior that violates public order or public morals or the rules, regulations and instructions in force in the college is considered a violation that requires the imposition of a disciplinary penalty on the violator, including the following:

  1. Anything that affects or disrespects the monotheistic religions or provokes religious, sectarian, sectarian, partisan, factional or tribal strife.
  2. Practicing any political, religious, sectarian, partisan, factional or electoral activity without obtaining prior approval from the college administration.
  3. Any statement or action that affects religion, belief, honor or the dignity of others, violates the proper conduct of conduct, contradicts the right character that the student should have, offends modesty, or harms the reputation of the State, its flag, emblem or symbols.
  4. Everything that affects the reputation of the college, its employees or affiliates.
  5. Disrupting or inciting study or refraining from attending lectures or other university work that the regulations and regulations stipulate to attend.
  6. Breach of order, discipline and proper conduct of study in the college and its facilities or the rules followed during lectures, exams, seminars or activities held inside the college or one of its facilities or those held outside it and the college participates in it.
  7. Cheating in exams by any means, initiating, participating in it, assisting it, obtaining exam questions before they are held illegally, and cheating by introducing the student as a substitute for him in the exams, entering him instead of others, or initiating it.
  8. Cheating in research, reports or practical and field trainings, graduation projects, master’s and doctoral theses.
  9. Impersonating others in any of the matters related to the college and its affairs, or giving documents, documents or identities of the college to others with the intention of using them illegally or speaking on behalf of the college without official capacity or prior approval from the college administration.
  10. Forging documents, certificates or documents, or using forged documents, certificates or documents, whether issued by the college or outside, as long as they are related to the student’s relationship with the college or the procedures of study in it, or deliberately destroying all or some of its content, or following an illegal method to obtain it.
  11. Threatening, insulting or assaulting by word or deed against a faculty member or one of the college’s employees, students, employees or employees of companies or institutions operating in the college.
  12. Unjustly access to the confidential information of any of the college affiliates, publish it, or instruct others on how to obtain it.
  13. Holding any activities or events within the college or participating in them, or issuing publications, bulletins or posters or participating in their distribution, or collecting funds, donations or signatures without prior approval from the college administration.
  14. Prejudice to the Islamic and social principles and foundations of the Sultanate or offend the national unity in word or deed, or join or call to join the organizations, parties or ideas contrary to the system of the Sultanate or promote them within the college.
  15. Misuse, damage or sabotage of college facilities or property, modification or transfer without the approval of the college administration, or behavior that affects the cleanliness of the college and its facilities or attempted to do so.
  16. Introducing a firearm, even if it is licensed, or a white weapon, or possessing flammable or explosive materials, or introducing any materials that can be used for an illegal purpose for the college or its facilities, or threatening to use any of that.
  17. Using modern technologies for a purpose contrary to ethics and ethics to harm the college or one of its affiliates.
  18. Possession of devices, films, pictures, tapes, newspapers or magazines containing what is contrary to morals and morals within the college or one of its facilities.
  19. Non-compliance with the general taste in dress, clothing or body in a manner that is not commensurate with Islamic and social values, and the instructions issued by the college in this regard.
  20. Violating the rules of residence in the college housing, being late for the specified dates for attendance, staying overnight outside the dormitories without an acceptable excuse, making any change in the housing or its contents, or leaving the college or housing, in violation of the system and instructions issued by the college administration.
  21. Providing incorrect data or refraining from submitting identification papers or not following the instructions of the college security staff.
  22. Breach of investigation procedures or deviation from the limits of ethics and ethics due in the meetings of the Committee.
  23. Any other violation that the college deems to constitute a violation of the regulations, instructions or decisions that are not stipulated in these regulations.

Article (9):

Disciplinary sanctions are:

  1. Verbal or written warning and signing a written undertaking from the violator.
  2. Oral warning or first or final written warning.
  3. Deprivation for a limited period of benefit from the services provided by the college facilities.
  4. Obliging the violator to pay the value of the damaged property of the college or others.
  5. Cancellation or suspension of the scholarship or discounts granted by the college.
  6. Cancel the student’s registration in one or more courses and obtain a final grade (F) with the student being obligated to pay the value of tuition fees.
  7. Cancel the exam in one or more courses and obtain a final grade (F) with the student obliging to pay the value of tuition fees.
  8. Temporary dismissal not exceeding two semesters, with the subjects studied by the student in another college or university not counted during the semester period.
  9. Not granting graduation documents, scientific certificates or non-academic documents or delaying graduation for one semester.
  10. Cancel the decision to grant the scientific certificate.
  11. Final semester of the college.

Article (10):

The competent committee shall consider the violation within (15) days from the date of its referral, and it shall issue its decision within (7) days from the date of completion of the investigation.

Article (11):

The penalties provided for in these Regulations shall not be imposed on the violator except after investigating him, hearing his statements and defending what has been attributed to him, and writing that, and his right to be heard and defended shall be forfeited if he fails to appear on the specified date that is notified to him in advance, unless he has an acceptable excuse estimated by the Committee, and the penalty shall be imposed on him in absentia.

Article (12):

The Committee may impose a maximum of two penalties for one of the penalties mentioned in these Regulations, and the Committee shall take into account in imposing penalties commensurate with the gravity of the violation, precedents, circumstances and circumstances related to the violation and its perpetrator.

Article (13):

The committee convenes when needed at the invitation of the chairman and its sessions are secret and in the presence of the majority of the members, and the committee takes its decisions by a majority of votes and in the event of equality, the opinion of the side that includes the president prevails, provided that the penalty contained in item (11) of Article (8) is not applied except unanimously and the decision is pending on the approval of the College Council and the relevant authorities, and the penalty contained in item (12) of Article (8) is not applied except unanimously and the decision is pending on the approval of the College Council.

Article (14):

The committee has the right to summon whomever it deems fit to hear their testimony, and the testimony can be heard from only one member. A record of the witness’s statements must be drawn up and signed by the witness and the member or members present, and each witness must be heard separately, unless the committee decides that the witnesses should be confronted with each other or with the offending student. The Committee may limit itself to the testimony of the witness in writing only.

Article (15): 

In the event that any of the members of the Committee participates in the control of the violation or is a party to it, he shall be recused from considering the violation, and any member may request to be exempted from considering any violation if he has a moral impediment that prevents its consideration, and in both cases, the person with the authority – if the need arises – to include the appropriate alternative to consider the violation subject to resignation or request for exemption.

Article (16): 

In the event that the student violates paragraph (7) of Article (8) of these regulations, the observer shall write a detailed report of the incident in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Article (4), and the student shall not be exempted from the penalty even if the process of discovering the cheating incident is completed after the end of the exam and the adoption of the result, and the penalty shall be estimated according to the size of the violation and the extent of the violator’s repetition according to the following:

  1. Cancel the student’s exam in that course alone and obtain a final grade (F) with an obligation to pay the value of tuition fees.
  2. Canceling the student’s exam in one or more other courses in addition to canceling the exam of the course in which the cheating occurred and obtaining a final grade (F) with the obligation to pay the value of tuition fees for all canceled courses.
  3. Canceling the student’s exams in all semester courses and obtaining a final grade (F) with the obligation to pay the value of tuition fees for all courses of the semester.

Article (17):

Any student who violates items (9, 10, 11, 16) of Article (8) of these Regulations shall be punished by dismissal for a period of not less than one semester.

Article (18):

The violating student may appeal against the decision to impose the penalty issued against him by the College Council within (7) days from the date of his knowledge of the decision, and the Council may reject the grievance, mitigation of the penalty or exemption from it, and the decision of the Council shall be final.

Article (19):

The student may apply to the College Council to reconsider the decision issued against him to impose the penalty of final dismissal from the College after the lapse of at least two years from the date of issuance of the decision, and the College Council may reconsider the decision.

Article (20):

The violation files are kept with the Director of the Student Affairs Department and a copy of the decision is attached to the student’s file, and the student’s guardian is informed of the violation and the penalty signed by the competent director in accordance with the committee’s decision.
