ندوة كلية البريمي الجامعية حول ضمان الجودة
“The Role of Quality Assurance in Enhancing Teaching, Research and Community Engagement
Symposium themes include but not limited to the following:
– The impact of effective provision of academic support services on programme delivery and research activities.
– Enhancing teaching and learning through the integration of research into curriculum development and programme delivery.
– Expanding HEIs roles in driving community development and societal progress.
– Improving student learning and assessment activities through industry engagement.
– Empowering students through career and employment services to better prepare them for the job market.
لأية استفسارات وللمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الاتصال بــ:
Email : qa@buc.edu.om
Mobile : +968 95667150
Landline:+968 25657690