البحث العلمي والابتكار
عنوان البحث | طبيعة النشر ( مجلة محكمة/ كتاب/ فصل في كتاب ) | تفاصيل النشر ( عنوان وتاريخ النشر ) | الباحث | Journal Indexed |
Understanding the Determinants of Adoption of Healthcare Information Technology | Book Chapter | International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science,178-189 | أ. عبير السديري | Scopus (Spring Link) |
Probabilistic Detection of Indoor Events Using a Wireless Sensor Network-Based Mechanism | Peer reviewed journal | Probabilistic Detection of Indoor Events Using a Wireless Sensor Network Based Mechanism,2023/8/3, Sensors, publisher:MDPI | د. بيداء حمزة | Scopus (SJR) |
Analysis of E-Learning System Use Using Combined TAM and ECT Factors | Peer reviewed Journal article | Journals Sustainability Volume 15 Issue 14 10.3390/su151411100 (16 July 2023) | د. رغد موفق | Scopus (SJR) |
Technology integration of using digital gameplay for enhancing EFL college students’ behavior intention | Peer reviewed journal | Contemporary Educational Technology, 2023, 15(4), ep452 | د. رغد موفق | Scopus (SJR) |
Analysis of E-Learning System Use Using Combined TAM and ECT Factors. Sustainability 2023, 15, 11100 | Peer review journal | Sustainability | د. رغد موفق | Scopus (SJR) |
An Application of Medical Care System During the COVID-19 | Journal Article | In Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Proceedings of ICCVBIC 2022 (pp. 717-728). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. 2023 (16 July 2023) | د. بيداء حمزة | Scopus (Spring Link) |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems: ICETIS 2022 Volume 1 | 2023 | Book | د. محمد ناجي الكعبي | Scopus (SJR) |
Competency categorization and roles of online teachers from the perspective of university students | Journal Article | Frontiers in Psychology, 14 2023 | د. رغد موفق | Scopus (SJR) |
Essential Factors to Improve Student Performance Using an E-Learning Model: Review Study. | Journal Article | International Journal of Interactive Mobile | د. رغد موفق | Scopus (SJR) |
The design features of digital games and their impact on language learning for EFL college students | Journal Article | Technologies, 17 (3). 2023 | Klimova, Blanka, Liqaa Habeb AlObaydi, د. رغد موفق, and Marcel Pikhart | Scopus (SJR) |
Socio-cognitive determinants of plagiarism intentions among university students during emergency online learning: Integrating emotional, motivational, and moral factors into theory of planned behavior | Journal Article | Cogent Psychology (12 Feb, 2023) | د. مريم ناصر النعيمي | Scopus (Tylor & Francis) |
Unveiling the Enigmatic World: Annie Dilard’s Journey into the Heart of Nature | Journal Article | Quest Journals Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (29 Sep, 2023) | د. فراس الجميلي | Scopus (SJR) |
Development of Online Clearance System Using Web-Based System | Conference Paper | 2023 Fifth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT) 10.1109/ICECCT56650.2023.10179667 | أ.عبير السديري, د. رغد موفق, ا. غالية الفارسي, د. بيداء حمزة, and Zaihisma Che Cob | IEEE |
Sustainability Model for the Continuous Intention to Use Metaverse Technology in Higher Education: A Case Study from Oman | Journal Article | Sustainability, 15(6), 5257. (16 Mar, 2023) 2023 | Dr. Rana Almaroof, Said Salloum, Amina Al Marzouqi, Khaled Younis Alderbashi, Fanar Shwedeh, Ahmad Aburayya. | Scopus (SJR) |
The Current Perceptions About Instructional Tools in Educational Towards Adoption of Virtual Reality Among Undergraduate Students. | Academic Journal | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 10.3991/ijim. v17i08.36935 | Farsi, Ghaliya Al; Yusof, Azmi bin Mohd.; Bin Rusli, Mohd Ezanee; AlSinani, Maryam | Scopus (SJR) |
A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks | Conference Paper | Proceedings 7th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (Cat. No.98EX226) | Baidaa Hamza, Lial Raja Alzabin, Mohammed Anbar, Ragad M. Tawafak, Tat-Chee Wan, Abir AlSideiri, Sohail Iqbal Malik, and Taief Alaa Al Amiedy. | IEEE |
The Efficiency of UTAUT2 Model in Predicting Student's Acceptance of Using Virtual Reality Technology. | Academic Journal | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 2023, Vol 17, Issue 12, p17 | Ghaliya Al Farsi | Scopus (SJR) |
Development and validation of ICT unethical behavior scale among undergraduate students | Journal Article | Current Psychology (1 Aug, 2023) | Mariam Nasser AL-Nuaimi, Mostafa Al-Emran. | Scopus (Spring Link) |
Examining measurement invariance of an ICT literacy self-efficacy scale across gender: a comparative study | Journal Article | Performance Measurement and Metrics (8 Sep, 2023) | د. مريم ناصر النعيمي | Scopus (Emerald Insight) |
Accuracy and Problems of MachineBased Translation in Contrast to Human-Based Translation when Rendering Health Awareness Texts Versus Poetry Texts | Academic Journal | Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (5 Jul,2023) DOI: | Babikir Eltigani Siddig Ahmed Salah Mohammed Osman | Scopus (SJR) |
Virtual Reality Environments with the Education Sector | Conference Paper | Springer Nature Singapore (24 Sep, 2023) | Ghaliya Al Farsi, Azmi bin Mohd Yusof, Mohd Ezanee Bin Rusli, Maryam AlSinani | Scopus (SJR) |
Subtitling Research in the Arab World: Review Article | Research Article | International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (1 Jan,2023) | Mohammad Mansy | Scopus (International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation) |
Online Assessment in Language Teaching Environment through Essays, Oral Discussion, and Multiple-Choice Questions | Academic Journal | Computer-Assisted Language Learning Journal (24 Oct, 2023) | Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi, Marcel Pikhart, Ragad M Tawafak | Scopus (SJR) |
Mobile application system using augment reality for supporting higher educational students | Research Article | AIP Conference Proceedings (15 Dec, 2023) | Sayera Hafsa, Ragad M Tawafak, Mazlina Abdul Majid, Ghaliya Alfarsi | Scopus (SJR) |
What I know, what I want to know, what I learned: Activating EFL college students' cognitive, behavioral, and emotional engagement through structured | Research Article | Psychol., 04 January 2023 Sec. Educational Psychology Volume 13 - 202 | Ragad M Tawafak Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi Marcel Pikhart | Scopus (SJR) |
The Role of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Business ( A general and brief approach in the GCC countries) | Journal Article | International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 10, Issue 3 (I) July - September 2023. https://iaraedu.com/about-journal/ijair-volume-10-issue-3-i-july september-2023.php | Dr. Mohammed Jahangir Ali | Scopus (International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research) |
Impact of Compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS No. 9 on Financial Risk Reduction in Banks Listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange | Journal Article | Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, (30 Sep, 2023) 9 (3), 265-276 | AlAfifi, A. A. M., Dorgham, M. M, and Abu Zaid, A. A. K | Scopus (Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies) |
Selecting Machine Learning Models for Student Performance Prediction Aligned with Pedagogical Objectives | Conference Paper | 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO) | Mr. Ijaz | IEEE |
Towards the Selection of Distance Metrics for k-NN Classifier in Students' Performance Prediction Modeling | Conference Paper | 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO) | Mr. Ijaz | IEEE |
Enhancing problem‐solving skills of novice programmers in an introductory programming course | Paper | Computer Applications in Engineering Education. (WoS, Q3) | Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., Al‐Sideiri, A., Jabbar, J., Al‐Nuaimi, R., & Tawafak, R. M. | - |
A web-based model to enhance algorithmic thinking for novice programmers | Paper | E-Learning and Digital Media, 20427530211026988. (WoS, Q3) | Iqbal Malik, S., Mathew, R., Tawafak, R. M., & Alfarsi, G. | - |
Aligning and Assessing Teaching Approaches With SOLO Taxonomy in a Computer Programming Course | Paper | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 17(4), 1-15. (WoS, Q4) | Malik, S. I., Tawafak, R. M., & Shakir, M | - |
A Model for Enhancing Algorithmic Thinking in Programming Education using PAAM | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(9). (Scopus, Q3) | Malik, S. I., Tawafak, R. M., & Alfarsi, G. | - |
Impact of Technologies During COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavior Intention to Use E-learning | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, IJIM (Scopus indexed, Q3), | Tawafak, R., AlFarsi, G., Jabbar, J., Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., AlSidiri, A., ... & Romli, A. | - |
Impact of Technologies During COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavior Intention to Use E-learning. | Paper | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) (Emerging source, Scopus, Q4) | Tawafak, R., AlFarsi, G., Jabbar, J., Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., AlSidiri, A., ... & Romli, A. | - |
Innovative Smart Phone Learning System for Graphical Systems within COVID-19 Pandemic. | Paper | Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), ep306. (Scopus, Q2) | Tawafak, R. M., Alfarsi, G., & Jabbar, J. | - |
The Practicality of Virtual Reality Applications in Education: Limitations and Recommendations. | Paper | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48(7). (Scopus, Q2) | Al Farsi, G., Yusof, A. B. M., Fauzi, W. J. B., Rusli, M. E. B., Malik, S. I., Tawafak, R. M., ... & Jabbar, J. | - |
Impact of Technologies During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavioral Intention to Use E-Learning. | Paper | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 17(3), 137-150. (WoS, Q4) | Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., & Alfarsi, G. | - |
A Combined Model for Continuous Intention to Use E-Learning System. | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(9). (Scopus, Q3) | Tawafak, R., Malik, S., Mathew, R., Ashfaque, M., Jabbar, J., AlNuaimi, M., ... & Alfarsi, G. | - |
A Conceptual Framework to Aid Attribute Selection in Machine Learning Student Performance Prediction Modelsevaluating | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 2021, Vol. 15 Issue 15, p4-19. 16p | Ijaz Khan, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Nafaa Jabeur, Mohammed Najah Mahdi | - |
Machine Learning Prediction and Recommendation Framework to Support Introductory Programming Course | Paper | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 16(17). | Khan, I., Ahmad, A. R., Jabeur, N., & Mahdi, M. N. | - |
An artificial intelligence approach to monitor student performance and devise preventive measures. | Paper | Smart Learning Environments, 8(1), 1-18. | Khan, I., Ahmad, A. R., Jabeur, N., & Mahdi, M. N. | - |
Investigating the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Pharmacy in Oman | Paper | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48(10). | Al Sideiri, A., Cob, Z. B. C., & Drus, S. B. M. | - |
A Review of Virtual Reality Applications in an Educational Domain. | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(22). | Al Farsi, G., Yusof, A. B. M., Romli, A., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., & Bin Rsuli, M. E. | - |
Users Acceptance of Electronic Personal Synthesis Behavior (EPSB): An Exploratory Study | Paper | Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories, 509-520. Springer. | Shakir, M., Abood, R., Sheker, M., Alnaseri, M., Al-Hashimi, M., & Tawafak, R. M. | - |
A survey of using machine learning algorithms during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Paper | Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol 348, (pp. 1-8). Springer. (Scopus indexed, Q3). | Al-Emran, M., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Marques, G. | - |
Digitizing learning during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from the most infected countries. | Paper | Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol 348, (pp. 291- 303). Springer. (Scopus indexed, Q3). | Al-Nuaimi, M. N., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Al-Emran, M. | - |
Games Based Learning: Method and Integrity. | Paper | In Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2021), 26-28 February, 2021, Kolkata, India (p. 410). CRC Press. Tylor and France. | Tawafak, R. M., Mathew, R., Alfarsi, G., & Malik, S. I. | - |
A Machine Learning Classification Application to Identify Inefficient Novice Programmers. | Paper | In International Visual Informatics Conference (pp. 423-434). Springer, Cham. | Khan, I., Al-Mamari, A., Al-Abdulsalam, B., Al-Abdulsalam, F., Al-Khansuri, M., Iqbal Malik, S., & Ahmad, A. R. | - |
Learning management systems for accreditation approval: A review paper. | Paper | In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2339, No. 1, p. 020073). AIP Publishing LLC. (Scopus, Q3) | Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Malik, S. I., & Alfarsi, G. | - |
The principles of designing an expert system in teaching mathematics. | Paper | In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2339, No. 1, p. 020078). AIP Publishing LLC. (SCOPUS, Q3) | Alfarsi, G., Hidayah, S., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., Eldaw, A., & Alsidiri, A. | - |
Integration of TAM and MOOC for e-learning purpose. | Paper | In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2339, No. 1, p. 020056). AIP Publishing LLC. (SCOPUS ,Q3 | Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Malik, S. I., & Alfarsi, G. | - |
Examining continuous integrating of technology acceptance model with task-technology fit | Paper | In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1088, No. 1, p. 012061). IOP Publishing. | Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Malik, S. I., Alfarsi, G., & Jabbar, J. | - |
Concepts of e-learning performance on system use outcomes in Omani Universities. | Paper | In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1088, No. 1, p. 012008). IOP Publishing. | Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Al Sideiri, A., Malik, S. I., & Jabbar, J. | - |
A Review of Virtual Reality Applications in an Educational Domain. | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(22). | Al Farsi, G., Yusof, A. B. M., Romli, A., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., & Bin Rsuli, M. E. | - |
An Application of Heuristic and Meta Dendral Expert System. | Paper | In ITM Web of Conferences (Vol. 42). EDP Sciences. | Tawafak, R. M., Alfarsi, G., & Malik, S. I. | - |
Artificial Intelligence Effectiveness and Impact within COVID-19. | Paper | In ITM Web of Conferences (Vol. 42). EDP Sciences. | Tawafak, R. M., Alfarsi, G., & Khudayer, B. H. | - |
Evaluating the actual use of learning management systems during the covid-19 pandemic: | Paper | an integrated theoretical model, Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2022.2055577 | Maryam Nasser AL-Nuaimi, Omar Said Al Sawafi, Sohail Iqbal Malik, Mostafa Al-Emran, Yasser Fouad Selim | - |
An optimizing rebroadcast mechanism for minimizing the control overhead in mobile ad-hoc networks. | Paper | Journal of theoretical and applied information technology, 100(8). | Khudayer, b. H., alzabin, l. R., anbar, m., tawafak, r. M., alamiedy, t. A., malik, s. I., & alfarsi, g. M. | - |
Contributing factors for student perception to use e-learning systems. | Paper | Journal of theoretical and applied information technology, 100(7). | Tawafak, r. M., alyoussef, i. Y., alrahmi, w. M., & malik, s. I. | - |
Facilitation for Undergraduate College Students to Learn Java Language Using E-Learning Model. | Paper | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(8). | Al Farsi, G., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., & Khudayer, B. H. | - |
Analysis of Different Trends in Chatbot Designing and Development: A Review. | Paper | ECS Transactions, 107(1), 7215. | Ashfaque, M. W. | - |
Intrusion detection system for industrial Internet of Things based on deep reinforcement learning. | Paper | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022. | Tharewal, S., Ashfaque, M. W., Banu, S. S., Uma, P., Hassen, S. M., & Shabaz, M. | - |
Towards an implementation of instance-based classifiers in pedagogical environment. | Paper | Journal of engineering science and technology, 16(5), 3757-3771. | Khan, Ijaz., ahmad, a. R., jabeur, n., & mahdi, m. N. | - |
The Implementation of Critical Pedagogy in Digital Second Language Acquisition in Higher Education: Age and Gender Differences. | Paper | Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 23(2), 56-75. | Pikhart, M., & Tawafak, R. M. | - |
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems | Paper | , ICETIS 2021 (Volume 1), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-82615-4. , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-82615-4. | Al-Emran M., Al-Sharafi M. A., Al-Kabi M. N., Shaalan K. | - |
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems, ICETIS 2021 (Volume 2) , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-85989-3. | Paper | ICETIS 2021 (Volume 2) , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-85989-3. | Al-Emran M., Al-Sharafi M. A., Al-Kabi M. N., Shaalan K. | - |
A View of Virtual Reality in Learning Process. | Paper | In Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (pp. 423-428). Springer, Singapore | Farsi, G. A., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., & Ashfaque, M. W. | - |
Product Aspect Ranking Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making. | Paper | In Handbook of Research on Consumer Behavior Change and Data Analytics in the Socio-Digital Era (pp. 74-94). IGI Global. | Alrababah, S. A. A., Gan, K. H., Tan, T. P., & Al-Kabi, M. N. | - |
Bottom to Top Analysis of Joseph’s Sura | Conference Proceedings | Black Sea University ConferenceProceedings, Gergia (2017) | Dr.Rana Al Naimi | |
The Analysis of Narrative Patterns in Suratu Al-Kahf ‘The Cave’. | Journal Article | European Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 55 Issue 2. (2017) | Dr.Rana Al Naimi | |
The Effect of Transparency on a Three-Cycle Model of Manipulative | Journal Article | CrossRoads:A Journal of English Studies.(2017) | Dr.Rana Al Naimi | |
The Analysis of Grammatical Shift in English-Arabic Translation of BBC Media News Text. | Journal Article | Language in India Journal, Vol. 17:10 October 2017. | Nael Hijjo and Kais kadhim (2017). | |
The Impact of Social Support on EFL Learners’ Motivation at Iraqi Kurdistan Universities. | Journal Article | Modern Applied Science, Vol 1,No 7(2017): 51-56. CanadianCenter of Science and Education. | Mohammad Abdullah Yehia | |
An Englishized Linguistic Landscape: Glocalization of English in Pakistan | Journal Article | World Englishes. doi:10.1111/weng.12213, 2017 | Manan, S., David, M.K., Dumanig, F., &Chana, L.A | |
Language Policy and Research on Technological Advancement in English Language Teaching in Malaysia. | Journal Article | Language in India(2017). http://languageinindia.com/feb2017/dumaniglanguageteachingmalaysia1.html | David, M.K &Dumanig, F. (2017) | |
Utilizing Facebook in EFL Writing Classrooms in Om an. | Journal Article | International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (University of Bahrain Scientific Publishing Center): July 2018 Doi: 10.12785/ijcds/070406 | Dr. Yahya Al Khoudary | |
Students Acceptance of Google Classroom: An Exploratory Study using PLS- SEM Approach. | Journal Article | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 13(06), 112-123 | Al-Maroof, R. A. S., & Al-Emran, M | |
Assessing the Impact of Technology Learning and Assessment Method on Academic Performance. | Journal Article | EURASIA Journal of Mathematics,Science and TechnologyEducation, 14(6), 2241-2254 | Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A. B., bin Abdullah Arshah, R., Almaroof, R. A. S. (2018). | |
Annie Dillard's The Maytrees: A Contemporary Investigation of Transcendental Thought | Journal Article | Literary Voice No 10 Volume 1March 2019 / Web of ScienceIndexed | د. فراس الجميلي | |
Feminist Graphic Narratives: The Ongoing Game of Eluding Censorship. | Journal Article | Mediterranean Journal of SocialSciences. (10). 1: 49-57. | Emira Derbel | |
Expanding Opportunities for Innovative Teaching and Learning: Literature through Comics. | Journal Article | International Journal of AppliedLinguistics and English Literature,(8). 1: 54-61. | Emira Derbel | |
A Qualitative Study on the Best Motivational Teaching Strategies in the Context of Oman: Perspectives of EFL Teachers | Journal Article | English Language Teaching 12 (3),57-64, 2019. | Dr. Mohamed Yahya | |
Implementation of FlippedClassroom Model and ItsEffectiveness on EnglishSpeaking Performance | Journal Article | International Journal: EmergingTechnologies in Learning | Dr. Mohamed Yahya | |
Flipped the classroomtowards Learner Autonomyin an EFL Writing Class. | Journal Article | (2019) Proceedings of the 1st.Applied Linguistics and LanguageTeaching (ALLT) Conference. | Dr. Yahya Ashour Alkhoudary | |
Flipped the classroomtowards Learner Autonomyin an EFL Writing Class. | Journal Article | IJIM, Vol. (1), pp. 127 – 135. | Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary | |
Investigating ClassroomInteraction: Teacher andLearner Participation | Journal Article | English Language Teaching; Vol.11, No. 12; 2018ISSN 1916-4742E-ISSN1916-4750Published by Canadian Center ofScience and Education | Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary | |
Utilizing Face book in EFLWriting Classrooms inOman. International Journalof Computing and DigitalSystems | Journal Article | International Journal of Computingand Digital Systems, 7 (4): 225 –232.http://dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijcds/070406 | Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary | |
The Impact of Weblog onOmani Learners’ WritingSkills in the EnglishLanguage. | Journal Article | IJTD, VOL.9, issue 4. | Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary | |
Students and EducatorsAttitudes towards the use ofM-Learning: Gender andSmartphone ownershipDifferences. | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM)IJIM, Vol. (1), pp. 127 – 135.2019. | Dr. Yahya AlKhoudary | |
Difficulties EFL TranslationStudents Face in TranslatingLegal Texts into Arabic | Journal Article | Journal of Scientific ResearchAin Shams UniversityNo.19, vol.4ISSN2356-83-43 | AmalAlrishan | |
Importance of understandinglearner difference in anESL/EFL Classroom | Journal Article | Teaching of English:Introspections and Indication, ELTSeries, January 2019 | Muhammed AliChalikandy | |
Task: Effective Ways of Accommodating Learners’ Identities in Higher Education Oman. | Journal Article | In R. Al- Mahrooqi & C. Denman(Eds.) English Education in Oman(259-280) Springer, 2018 | Muhammed AliChalikandy | |
Addressing Multiple Learner Styles through Tasks | Journal Article | Bodhi International Journal ofResearch in Humanities, Arts andscience, 2(7), 1-4 | Muhammed AliChalikandy | |
Omani EFL Students’ Preference of Grammar Teaching Method. | Journal Article | Language in India, 18(1), 1-21,2018. | Muhammed AliChalikandy | |
Developing ESL/EFL learners’ Grammatical Competence through Communicative Activities | Journal Article | JELT (Journal on EnglishLanguage Teaching) 8(1), 63-69.(2018) | Muhammed AliChalikandy | |
في اشكالي ات تعريب الشعر الأنجليزي المعاصر و تحدياته: شعر ييتس و إليوت و باوند كأنموذج | Journal Article | في اشكالي ات تعريب الشعر الأنجليزيالمعاصر و تحدياته: شعر ييتس و إليوت وباوند كأنموذج 2018 ( مجلة منتدى العلاقاتالعربية و الدولية) | أ. سفيان التارقي | |
The Effect of Peers’ andTeacher’s E -Feedback on Writing Anxiety LevelThrough CMC Applications | Journal Article | International Journal: EmergingTechnologies in Learning 13 (11),196-207, 2018. | Mohamad YahyaAbdullah | |
Exploring the Extent of ICT Role as a Teaching Tool in the Public Universities of Khartoum State | Journal Article | Journal of Engineering andApplied Sciences 13 (15), 5976-5983, 2018 | Mohamad YahyaAbdullah | |
Investigating Classroom Interaction: Teacher and Learner Participation | Journal Article | English Language Teaching; Vol.11, No. 12; 2018ISSN 1916-4742E-ISSN1916-4750Published by Canadian Center ofScience and Education | Babikir Eltigani | |
Exploring the utilization of the Task- Based approach on university students’ speaking ability in the English language | Journal Article | Vol 2 No 1 (2018): EPH -International Journal ofEducational Research | Babikir Eltigani | |
Working with Different Text Types in English and Arabic Translation in Practice | Edited Book | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | Bahaa-eddin Hassan | |
“Pragmatics ”. In Ben Van Wyke and Kelly Washbourne (Eds.), | Handbook | Routledge Handbook of LiteraryTranslation.London: Routledge.2019 | Bahaa-eddin Hassan | |
The Transparency-reflection in Puns Arabic Translation | Journal Article | Trans letters Journal of Translationand interpreting Volume (!),No 2(2018) ( published on website Feb2019) | Dr. Rana Alneimi | |
Studying the Social MediaAdoption by universitystudents in the United ArabEmirates | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation Technology andLanguage Studies | د. شاكر محمدي | |
Factors affecting theAdoption and MeaningfulUse of Social Media: AStructural EquationModeling Approach | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation Technology andLanguage Studies | د. شاكر محمدي | |
Translating News TextsDuring Wars and Conflicts:Challenges and Strategies | Journal Article | ANGLICA An InternationalJournal of English Studies(Scopus) | د. شاكر محمدي | |
A Unified Model for the Useand Accept of Social MediaMessaging | Journal Article | Proceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems and Informatics2019.( AISI 2019 Conf Program) | Dr. RanaAlneimi | |
A Unified Model for the Useand Acceptance of Stickersin Social Media Messaging | Journal Article | Proceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems and Informatics2019.( AISI 2019 Conf Program) | Dr. Rana A. SaeedAlnaimi | |
Understanding an ExtensionTechnology AcceptanceModel of GoogleTranslation: A Multi-Cultural Study in UnitedArab Emirates. | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies,2020 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Fear from COVID-19 andtechnology adoption: theimpact of Google Meetduring Coronaviruspandemic | Journal Article | Interactive LearningEnvironments,2020 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
The effectiveness of onlineplatforms after the pandemic:will face-to-face classesaffect students’ perception oftheir Behavioural Intention(BIU) to use onlineplatforms? | Journal Article | Informatics,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Acceptance determinants of5G services | Journal Article | nternational Journal of Data andNetwork Science,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Research trends in flippedclassroom: a systematicreview | Journal Article | Recent advances in intelligentsystems and smartapplications,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Blended learning acceptance:A systematic review ofinformation systems models | Journal Article | Technology, Knowledge andLearning,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
[PDF] from mdpi.comUser acceptance of smartwatch for medical purposes:an empirical study | Journal Article | Future Internet,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Google glass adoption in theeducational environment: Acase study in the Gulf area | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Factors that affect e-learningplatforms after the spread ofCOVID-19: post acceptancestudy | Journal Article | Multidisciplinary DigitalPublishing Institute,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
The acceptance of socialmedia video for knowledgeacquisition, sharing andapplication: A comparativestudy among YouYube usersand TikTok users’ formedical purposes | Journal Article | International Journal of Data andNetwork Science,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
An Integrated model ofcontinuous intention to useof google classroom | Book Chapter | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and SmartApplications,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Acceptance of Google Meetduring the spread ofCoronavirus by Arabuniversity students | Journal Article | Multidisciplinary DigitalPublishing Institute,2021 | Dr.Rana Almaroof | |
Evaluating the actual use oflearning managementsystems during the covid-19pandemic: an integratedtheoretical model | Journal Article | Interactive LearningEnvironments, DOI:10.1080/10494820.2022.2055577,2022 | Maryam Nasser AL-Nuaimi, Omar Said AlSawafi, Sohail IqbalMalik, Mostafa Al-Emran & Yasser FouadSelim | |
Human and contextualfactors influencing cyber-security in organizations, andimplications for highereducation institutions: asystematic review | Journal Article | Global Knowledge, Memory andCommunication, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-12-2021-0209, 2022 | AL-Nuaimi, M.N.(2022), | |
Construct validity andreliability of the scales forrating the behavioralcharacteristics of superiorstudents among a sample ofelementary students in Qatar | Journal Article | Gifted Education International.2021;37(3):290-304.doi:10.1177/02614294211013441 | Jaffal AF, Abu-Hilal M,Al-Naimi MN. | |
From Minority to OfficialLanguage: The CurrentStatus of Kurdish Languageafter 2003 | Journal Article | International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies (IJITLS)(April, 2022),V. (6)/ Issue (1) | Dr. Moahamd YahyaAbdullah.,Dr. AhmedHani Naif .hor) | |
A conceptual framework fordetermining metaverseadoption in higherinstitutions of gulf area: Anempirical study using hybridSEM-ANN approach. | Journal Article | Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100052.,2022 | Akour, I. A., Al-Maroof, R. S., Alfaisal,R., & Salloum, S. A. | |
Does Flipped Classroom ModelAffect EFL Learners’ Anxiety inEnglish SpeakingPerformance?. | Journal Article | International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(1), 94-108,2021 | Abdullah, M., Hussin, S.,& Ismail, K. (2021). DoesFlipped Classroom ModelAffect EFL Learners’Anxiety in EnglishSpeaking Performance?. . | |
‘Impact of a new teachingand learning approach in anintroductory programmingcourse’ | Journal Article | Journal of Educational Computing Research, SAGE,2017 | Dr. Sohail Iqbal,Jo Coldwell-Neilson | |
Comparison of traditionaland ADRI based teachingapproaches in anintroductory programmingcourse. | Journal Article | Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, Vol. 16, Pages. 267-283. 2017, Retrieved from http://www.informingscience.org/Publications/3793 | Dr.Sohail Iqbal Malik,Jo Coldwell-Neilson | |
Improved HierarchicalClassifiers for Multi-WaySentiment Analysis | Journal Article | International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 2017, 14 (4A), pp. 654-661. | Aya Nuseir, MahmoudAl-Ayyoub, MohammedAl-Kabi, GhasanKanaan, And Riyad Al-Shalabi | |
Studying the controversy inonline crowds’ interactions | Journal Article | Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, 31 March 2017, In Press, Corrected Proof | MahmoudAl-Ayyoub,Abdullateef Rabab’ah,Yaser Jararweh,Mohammed N.Al-Kabi,Brij B.Gupta | |
Aspect-Based SentimentAnalysis of Arabic LaptopReviews | Conference Proceedings | ACIT'2017, Yassmine Hammamet, Tunisia, (Dec 22 - 24, 2017) | Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub,Amal Gigieh,Areej Al-Qwaqenah, MohammedN. Al-Kabi, BasharTalafhah, And IzzatAlsmadi | |
Address the Challenges ofImplementing | Journal Article | Journal Of Theoretical AndApplied Information Technology | Muhaned Al-Hashimi,Mohanaad Shakir, | |
Improvement CoursewareAuthoring Tools forSymbolic Logic Students atBUC. Conference | Conference Proceedings | Asia InternationalMultidisciplinary Conference2017, At Universiti TeknologiMalaysia, Utm, 81300 Skudai,Johor, Malaysia | د. مهند شاكر | |
Technology enhancementlearning reflection onimproving students’satisfaction in OmaniUniversities | Conference Proceedings | The 5^{th} International Conference onSoftware Engineering & ComputerSystems (ICSECS) is organizedby Faculty of Computer Systems &Software Engineering, UniversitiMalaysia Pahang. Malaysia | Ragad Mufaq,Mohanaad Shakir | |
Using InformationCommunication Technologyas a Teaching tool inSudanese GovernmentalUniversities of KhartoumState | Journal Article | JOIV: International Journal onInformatics Visualization, 2017,Vol. 1, No. 4 | Abdalla Eldow,Mohanaad Shakir,Mohamad YahyaAbdullah,Sohail Iqbal Malik | |
The Optimal HomotopyAsymptotic Method withApplication toHomogeneous NonlinearAdvection Equations | Journal Article | Journal of Applied Environmentaland Biological Sciences7(1)157-163, 2017 | H. Ullah, I. Khan, F. Chohan | |
A rule-based system foradvisingundergraduatestudents | Journal Article | Journal of Theoretical and AppliedInformation Technology, July2017 | أ. غالية الفارسي | |
Developing a MobileNotification System for AlBuraimi University CollegeStudents | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation Technology andLanguage Studies(IJITLS), 2017 | أ. غالية الفارسي | |
Gender differences in anintroductory programmingcourse: New teachingapproach, students’ learn ingoutcomes, and perceptions, | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies, February 2018DOI: 10.1007/s10639-018-9725-3,Springer | د. سهيل اقبال | |
Improvements inintroductory programmingcourse: action researchinsights and outcomes, | Journal Article | Systemic Practice and ActionResearch, Feb. 2018DOI: 10.1007/s11213-018-9446-y,Springer | د. سهيل اقبال | |
“Social Factors Influence onCareer Choices for FemaleComputer Science Students” | Journal Article | International Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning (iJET),August, 2018DOI: 10.3991/ijet.v13i05.8231,Vol. 13, No. 5 | د. سهيل اقبال | |
“Literature review ofsecurity issues in SaaS forpublic cloud computing: ameta- analysis” | Journal Article | International Journal ofEngineering & Technology, 7 (3)(2018) 1161-1171. | د. مهند شاكر | |
“Analytic solution of MHDviscous flow over astretching sheet bymultistage optimal homotopyasymptotic method” | Journal Article | International Journal of FluidMechanics Research, 2018 , vol45(4), 369-375 | د. فرخندة كوهان | |
“Modifications of theMultistep OptimalHomotopy AsymptoticMethod to Some Non-linearKdv Equations” | Journal Article | European Journal of Pure andApplied Mathematics, 2018, vol11(2), 537-552 | د. فرخندة كوهان | |
Technology EnhancementLearning Reflection onImproving Students’Satisfaction in OmaniUniversities. | Journal Article | Advanced Science Letters, 24(10),2018: 7751-7757. | Ms. Raghad MouafaqMr. Mohanaad Talal | |
A Systematic Review ofPersonalized Learning:Comparison between E-Learning and Learning byCoursework Program inOman. International | Journal Article | Journal of Emerging Technologiesin Learning, 14(9). | Dr. Sohail Iqbal,Mrs. Raghad Tawfiq,Mr. Mohanaad Shakir ,Mrs. Ghalia Al-Farisi | |
Assessing the Teaching andLearning Process of anIntroductory ProgrammingCourse with Bloom’sTaxonomy and Assurance ofLearning (AOL), | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation and CommunicationTechnology Education, 15 (2), pp.130-145,DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2019040108, IGI | د. سهيل اقبال | |
Learning problem solvingskills: Comparison of E-learning and M-learning inan introductory programmingcourse. | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies,DOI: 10.1007/s10639-019-09896-1(Springer) | Dr. Sohail Iqbal,Dr. Roy Mathew, Mrs.Rim Al Naimi , Mrs.Abir Al-Sideiri, | |
PROBSOL: A Web-BasedApplication to Develop | Book Chapter | Interdisciplinary Series forSustainable Development). | Dr. Sohail Iqbal,Dr. Roy Mathew | |
Promoting AlgorithmicThinking in an IntroductoryProgramming Course, | Journal Article | International Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning (iJET),Vol, 14, No. 1,https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v14i01.9061 | Dr. Sohail Iqbal,Mr. Mohanaad Shakir,Dr. Abdallah Al Thaw ,and Mr. MohammedWaseem | |
Muttar (2018), Exploring theExtent of ICT Role as ateaching Tool in the PublicUniversities of KhartoumState, | Journal Article | Journal of Engineering andApplied Sciences, Vol. 13, Issue15.DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2018.5976.5983 | Dr.Abdallah Al Thaw ,Mr.Mohannad Shakir ,Mr. MohammedAbdullah , Dr. SohailIqbal | |
Student AssessmentFeedback EffectivenessModel for EnhancingTeaching Method andDeveloping AcademicPerformance. | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation and CommunicationTechnology Education (IJICTE),15(3), 75-88. | Mrs. Raghad Tawfiq,Ms.Maryam Alsinani | |
E-learning system of UCOMfor improving studentassessment feedback inOman higher education. | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies, 24(2), 1311-1335. | Mrs. Raghad Tawfiq,Ms. Maryam Alsinani | |
Continued Intention to UseUCOM: Four Factors forIntegrating With aTechnology AcceptanceModel to Moderate theSatisfaction of Learning. | Journal Article | IEEE Access, 6, 66481-66498. | Mrs. Raghad Tawfiq,Dr. Arshah Al Tameemi | |
Implementing a MobileApplication News Tool forDisseminating Messages andEvents of AlBuraimiUniversity College.& quota | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobileTechnologies, Vol.12, No. 7,2018(Indexed inScopus). | أ. جاسيا جبار | |
Learning problem solvingskills: | Journal Article | Journal of Education andInformation Technologies(Springer) | أ. عبير السديري | |
“Learning problem solvingskills: Comparison of E-learning and M-learning inan introductoryprogramming course” | Journal Article | Journal of Education andInformation Technologies(Springer) | أ. ريم النعيمي | |
Exploring Students’Acceptance of E-LearningThrough the Development ofa ComprehensiveTechnology AcceptanceModel | Journal Article | IEEE Access Journal | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Examining the Effect ofKnowledge ManagementFactors on Mobile LearningAdoption Through the Use ofImportance-PerformanceMap Analysis (IPMA) | Conference Proceedings | Proceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems andInformatics 2019. | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Understanding the Impact ofSocial Media Practices on E-Learning SystemsAcceptance | Conference Proceedings | Proceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems andInformatics 2019. | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Teaching Problem SolvingSkills using an EducationalGame in a ComputerProgramming Course | Conference Proceedings | Proceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems andInformatics 2019 | Dr. Roy MATHEW, Dr.Sohail Iqbal MALIKand Mrs.RagadMoufaqTAWAFAK | |
Understanding thedifferences in students'attitudes towards socialmedia use: A case studyfrom Oman | Conference Proceedings | Proceedings of 2019 IEEE StudentConference on Research andDevelopment (SCOReD), | د. مصطفى العمران | |
E-learning Model forStudents’ Satisfaction inHigher EducationUniversities: Review Paper | Conference Proceedings | Proceedings of 2019 InternationalConference on Fourth IndustrialRevolution (ICFIR) | Ghaliya Al Farsi;JasiyaJabbar ; Ragad MTawafak | |
An Innovative Approach ofApplying KnowledgeManagement in M-LearningApplication Development: APilot Study | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation and CommunicationTechnology Education Sciences | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Mobile Payment Adoption:A Systematic Review of theUTAUT Model | Conference Proceedings | Proceedings of 2019 InternationalConference on Fourth IndustrialRevolution (ICFIR) integer orderPartial Differential equations intwo dimensions. | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Towards a conceptual modelfor examining the impact ofknowledge managementfactors on mobile learningacceptance. | Journal Article | Technology in Society | Al-Emran, M.,Mezhuyev, V.,&Kamaludin, A. | |
Improving Data SecurityUsing Modified LSB-BasedImage SteganographyTechnique. | Journal Article | Journal of Hunan UniversityNatural Sciences | AlSinani, M. J., Kayed,A., & Al Farsi, G. | |
A Novel Approach forPredicting the Adoption ofSmartwatches UsingMachine LearningAlgorithms (Book Chapter). | Book Chapter | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications | Arpaci, I., Al-Emran,M., Al-Sharafi, M. A.,&Shaalan, K. | |
A Systematic Review ofMeta-modelling in SoftwareEngineering (Book Chapter). | Book Chapter | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications | Fatehah, M., Mezhuyev,V., & Al-Emran, M. | |
The Impact of WhatsApp onEmployees in HigherEducation(Book Chapter). | Book Chapter | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications | Jabbar, J., Malik, S. I.,AlFarsi, G., &Tawafak,R. M. | |
Towards a conceptual modelfor examining the impact ofknowledge managementfactors on mobile learningacceptance | Journal Article | International Journal of AdvancedScience and Technology,2020 | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Techniques For FaceVerification: LiteratureReview | Journal Article | Proceedings of International ArabConference on InformationTechnology (ACIT),2020 | GhaliyaALFarsi,Dr.Ragad M Tawafak,Ms. AbirAlsideiri, Ms.JasiyaJabbar and Ms.Maryam ALSinani | |
E-learning Vs. TraditionalLearning for LearnersSatisfaction | Journal Article | International Journal of AdvancedScience and Technology,2020 | Dr. RagadTawafak, Ms.AbirAlsideiri, Ms.GhaliyaAlfarsi, Dr.Sohail Iqbal Malik, Dr.Maryam Al Nueimi, andMs.JasiyaJabbar | |
An empirical examination ofcontinuous intention to use | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies,2020 | Dr Mustafa Al Emran | |
What leads to sociallearning? Students’ attitudestowards using social mediaapplications in Omani highereducation | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies,2020 | د. مصطفى العمران | |
Do knowledge acquisitionand knowledge sharing reallyaffect e-learning adoption?An empirical study | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies,2020 | د. مصطفى العمران | |
ICT ethics-related cognitionamong undergraduatestudents: A grounded theorystudy from a socialconstructivist perspective | Journal Article | Journal of Information,Communication and Ethics inSociety, 2020 | د. مريم النعيمي | |
Parameters of ICT-associateddeviant behaviour amongOmani undergraduates: Asocio-psychologicalperspective | Journal Article | Global Knowledge, Memory andCommunication, 2020 | د. مريم النعيمي | |
Efficient Route Discoveryand Link Failure DetectionMechanisms for SourceRouting Protocol in MobileAd-Hoc Networks | Journal Article | IEEE Access, 2020 | د. بيداء حمزة | |
Comparison of E-Learning,M-Learning and Game-basedLearning in ProgrammingEducation: A GenderedAnalysis. | Journal Article | International Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning,2020 | Malik, S. I.,Al-Emran, M., Mathew,R., Tawafak, R. M.,&AlFarsi,G. | |
Framework design ofuniversity communicationmodel (UCOM) to enhancecontinuous intentions inteaching and e-learningprocess. | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies,2020 | Tawafak, R. M., Romli,A. B., bin AbdullahArshah, R., & Malik, S.I. | |
Development of Frameworkfrom Adapted TAM withMOOC Platform forContinuity Intention. | Journal Article | International Journal of AdvancedScience and Technology,2020 | Tawafak, R. M., Malik,S. I., &Alfarsi, G. | |
Mobile Application SystemSupported BUC StudentsServices and Learning. | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies,2020 | Al Farsi, G., Jabbar, J.,Tawafak, R. M., Malik,S. I., Alsidiri, A.,&Alnaimi, M. | |
Using Cisco Packet Tracer tosimulate Smart Home. | Journal Article | International Journal ofEngineering Research &Technology,2020 | Alfarsi, G.,Jabbar, J., Tawafak, R.M., Malik, S. I., Alsidiri,A., &Alnaimi , M. | |
IT Governance Impact onAcademic PerformanceDevelopment | Journal Article | International Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning,2020 | Ragad M Tawafak,AwanisRomli, SohailIqbal Malik,MohanaadShakir | |
Examining the roles ofstudents' beliefs and securityconcerns for using smartwatches in higher education. | Journal Article | Journal of Enterprise InformationManagement,2020 | Al-Emran, M., Granić,A., Al-Sharafi, M. A.,Ameen, N., &Sarrab, M. | |
Analysis of Twitter DataUsing EvolutionaryClustering during theCOVID-19 Pandemic. | Journal Article | CMC-Computers, Materials &Continua,2020 | Arpaci, I., Alshehabi, S.,Al-Emran, M.,Khasawneh, M.,Mahariq, I.,Abdeljawad, T.,&Hassanien, A. E. | |
The impact of knowledgemanagement practices on theacceptance of Massive OpenOnline Courses (MOOCs) byengineering students: Across-cultural comparison | Journal Article | Telematics and Informatics,2020 | Arpaci, I., Al-Emran,M., & Al-Sharafi, M. A. | |
Developing a generalextended UTAUT model forM-payment adoption | Refereed Journal | Technology in Society,2020 | Al-Saedi, K., Al-Emran,M., Ramayah, T.,&Abusham, E. | |
What impacts learning withwearables? An integratedtheoretical model. | Journal Article | Interactive LearningEnvironments, 2020 | Al-Emran, M., Al-Maroof, R., Al-Sharafi,M. A., &Arpaci, I. | |
Employing the technologyacceptance model in socialmedia: A systematic review. | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies 2020 | Al-Qaysi, N.,Mohamad-Nordin, N., &Al-Emran, M. | |
An empirical examination ofcontinuous intention to usem-learning: An integratedmodel. | Journal Article | Education and InformationTechnologies, 2020 | Al-Emran, M., Arpaci,I., &Salloum, S. A. | |
Examining the Acceptanceof WhatsApp StickersThrough Machine LearningAlgorithms (Book Chapter). | Journal Article | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and SmartApplications,2020 | Al-Maroof, R. A.,Arpaci, I., Al-Emran,M., Salloum, S. A.,&Shaalan, K. | |
Factors Affecting theAdoption of Social Media inHigher Education: ASystematic Review of the | Journal Article | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications,2020 | Al-Qaysi, N.,Mohamad-Nordin, N., &Al-Emran, M. | |
Towards the Development ofa Comprehensive TheoreticalModel for Examining theCloud Computing Adoptionat the Organizational Level(Book Chapter). | Journal Article | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications,2020 | Qasem, Y. A., Abdullah,R., Yah, Y., Atan, R.,Al-Sharafi, M. A., & Al-Emran, M. | |
Research Trends in FlippedClassroom: A SystematicReview (Book Chapter). | Journal Article | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications,2020 | د. رنا المعروف & د. مصطفى العمران | |
Developing an EducationalFramework for UsingWhatsApp Based on SocialConstructivism Theory(BookChapter). | Journal Article | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications,2020 | Al-Qaysi, N.,Mohamad-Nordin, N., &Al-Emran, M. | |
Information CommunicationTechnology Infrastructure inSudanese GovernmentalUniversities. | Journal Article | Recent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart Applications.Studies in Systems, Decision andControl, 2020 | Eldow A. Rawan AAlsharida,MaythamHammood,MohanaadShakir, SohailIqbal Malik, AhmedKhMuttar, Kais A.Kadhim | |
A web-based model toenhance algorithmic thinkingfor novice programmers | Journal Article | E-Learning and DigitalMedia,2021 | Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. Roy Mathew,Dr. Raghad MTawafak,Mrs.Ghalia A Farsi | |
Aligning and AssessingTeaching Approaches WithSOLO Taxonomy in aComputer ProgrammingCourse | Journal Article | International Journal ofInformation and CommunicationTechnology Education(IJICTE),2021 | Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. Raghad MTawafak,Dr. Mohammad Shakir | |
A Model for EnhancingAlgorithmic Thinking inProgramming Educationusing PAAM | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM),2021 | Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. Raghad MTawafak,Mrs.Ghalia A Farsi,Mr. Waseem Ashfaque | |
A Combined Model forContinuous Intention to UseE-Learning System | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM),2021 | Ragad Tawafak, SohailMalik, Roy Mathew,Mohammed Ashfaque,JasiyaJabbar, MaryamAlNuaimi,AbdallaElDow,GhaliyaAlfarsi | |
Impact of TechnologiesDuring COVID-19 Pandemicfor Improving BehaviorIntention to Use E-learning | Journal Article | International Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM),2021 | Ragad Tawafak,GhaliyaAlFarsi,JasiyaJabbar, SohailIqbal Malik, RoyMathew, AbirAlSidiri,MohanaadShakir,AwanisRomli | |
IT Governancse Impact onAcademic PerformanceDevelopment | Journal Article | International Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning(iJET),2021 | Ragad M Tawafak,AwanisRomli, SohailIqbal Malik,MohanaadShakir | |
Comparison of e-Learning,m-Learning, and Game-Based Learning Applicationsfor IntroductoryProgramming Courses: AnEmpirical Evaluation Usingthe TAM | Book Chapter | Recent Advances in TechnologyAcceptance Models and Theories.Studies in Systems, Decision andControl (Book),2021 | Dr. Mostafa Al-Emran,Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. IbrahimArpaci,Dr. Roy Mathew | |
Innovative Smart PhoneLearning System forGraphical Systems withinCOVID-19 Pandemic | Journal Article | Contemporary EducationalTechnology,2021 | Ragad M Tawafak,GhaliyaAlfarsi,JasiyaJabbar | |
Users Acceptance ofElectronic PersonalSynthesis Behavior (EPSB):An Exploratory Study | Book Chapter | Recent Advances in TechnologyAcceptance Models and Theories,Studies in Systems (Book),2021 | MohanaadShakir, RehabAbood, MustefaSheker,Mohammed Alnaseri,Muhaned Al-Hashimi,and Ragad M. Tawafak | |
Efficient Route Discoveryand Link Failure DetectionMechanisms for SourceRouting Protocol in MobileAd-Hoc Networks | Journal Article | IEEE Access,2021 | د. بيداء حمزة | |
Improving Data SecurityUsing Modified LSB-BasedImage SteganographyTechnique | Journal Article | Journal of Hunan UniversityNatural Sciences,2021 | GhaliyaALFrsi,AlSinani, M. J., Kayed,A., | |
Intrusion Detection Systemfor Industrial Internet ofThings Based on DeepReinforcement Learning | Journal Article | HindawiVolume 2022 Article ID:-9023719 | Mohamed WaseemAshfaque,SumeghTharewal,Sayyada SaraBanu,PerumalUma,Samar MansourHassen,MohammadShabaz | |
An optimizing rebroadcastmechanism for minimizingthe control overhead inmobile adhoc networks | Journal Article | Journal of Theoretical andApplied InformationTechnology,April 2022 | Baidaa HamzaKhudayer, Lial RajaAlzabin, MohammedAnbar, Ragad MTawafak, Taief AlaaAlamiedy, Sohail IqbalMalik ,Ghaliya MuslemAlfarsi | |
Contributing factors forstudent perception to use e-learning systems | Journal Article | Journal of Theoretical andApplied InformationTechnology,April 2022 | Ragad M Tawafak,Ibrahim YaussefAlyoussef, WaleedMugahed Alrahmi,Sohail Iqbal Malik | |
Analysis of DifferentTrends in ChatbotDesigning andDevelopment: AReview | Journal Article | ECS transactionVolume 107,Number-1 | Mohamed WaseemAshfaque,SumeghTharewal,Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr.Charan.N.Kayte | |
“On existence andcomparison results forsolutions to Stochasticfunctional differentialequations in the G-framework". | Journal Article | Journal of Computational Analysisand Applications, Vol 23 No.4 ,2017 | Dr. Mohammed IIkhlaqChouhan | |
“On existence andcomparison results forsolutions to Stochasticfunctional differentialequations in the G-framework". | Journal Article | Journal of Computational Analysisand Applications, Vol 23 No.4 ,2017 | Dr. Mohammed IIkhlaqChouhan | |
'Modeling and StabilityAnalysis of Middle EasternRespiratory Syndrome". | Journal Article | Applied Mathematics andOptimization, 17 Sept. 2017 | Dr. Mohammed IIkhlaqChouhan | |
'Modeling and StabilityAnalysis of Middle EasternRespiratory Syndrome". | Journal Article | Applied Mathematics andOptimization, 17 Sept. 2017 | Dr. Mohammed IIkhlaqChouhan | |
"The Obesity PreventionStrategies in PopulationDynamics" | Journal Article | Advanced Modeling andOptimization, Volume 19,November 2, 2017. | Dr. Mohammed IIkhlaqChouhan | |
"The Obesity PreventionStrategies in PopulationDynamics" | Journal Article | Advanced Modeling andOptimization, Volume 19,November 2, 2017. | Dr. Mohammed IIkhlaqChouhan | |
Some Exact Solutions ofGeneralized JeffreyFluid Using N-Transform" 1211 | Journal Article | American Journal ofComputationalMathematics.2017, 7,402-412,ISSN Online: 2161- | Dr. MuhammadIkhlaqChohan | |
Some Exact Solutions ofGeneralized JeffreyFluid Using N-Transform" 1211 | Journal Article | American Journal ofComputationalMathematics.2017, 7,402-412,ISSN Online: 2161- | Dr. MuhammadIkhlaqChohan | |
The Relationship betweenManagement Support andTraining Needs analysis: AnEmpirical of StudyAdministrative Employees inHealthcare | Journal Article | Word Wide Journal ofMultidisciplinary Researchand Development, Volume: 3,Issue: 8, 2017 | د. ابراهيم الشامسي | |
The Relationship betweenManagement Support andTraining Needs analysis: AnEmpirical of StudyAdministrative Employees inHealthcare | Journal Article | Word Wide Journal ofMultidisciplinary Researchand Development, Volume: 3,Issue: 8, 2017 | د. ابراهيم الشامسي | |
NEW WEIGHTEDGEOMETRIC MEANMETHOD TO ESTIMATEOF THE SLOPEERROR MEASUREMENTMODEL | Journal Article | Journal of Applied StatisticalScience ISSN 1067-5817Volume 22, Number 3-4 ©Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | Dr. Anwar Saqr, ; Khan,Shahjahan | |
NEW WEIGHTEDGEOMETRIC MEANMETHOD TO ESTIMATEOF THE SLOPEERROR MEASUREMENTMODEL | Journal Article | Journal of Applied StatisticalScience ISSN 1067-5817Volume 22, Number 3-4 ©Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | Dr. Anwar Saqr, ; Khan,Shahjahan | |
ON APPROXIMATESOLUTIONS OFFRACTIONAL ORDERPARTIALDIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS | Journal Article | THERMAL SCIENCE:January, 2018, Vol. 22, Suppl.1, pp. S287-S299 | Dr. MuhammadIkhlaq Chohan | |
ON APPROXIMATESOLUTIONS OFFRACTIONAL ORDERPARTIALDIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS | Journal Article | THERMAL SCIENCE:January, 2018, Vol. 22, Suppl.1, pp. S287-S299 | Dr. MuhammadIkhlaq Chohan | |
The tansmissiondynamic of differenthepatitis B – infected | Journal Article | Journal of BiologicalDynamics, Published online 26Jul,2018 | Dr. MuhammadIkhlaq Chohan | |
The tansmissiondynamic of differenthepatitis B – infected | Journal Article | Journal of BiologicalDynamics, Published online 26Jul,2018 | Dr. MuhammadIkhlaq Chohan | |
Cross-Cultural Effects on the Budgeting Cycle: The Impact of Power Distance on Participation, Voice, and Explanation in the Libyan Oil Sector. | Journal Article | International Journal of Business and Social Science (Vol. 9, No. 6, June 2018) | د. رمضان كنان | |
Prioritizing the intangibles among management graduates of an educational supply chain; An AHP Approach, International | Journal Article | Journal of Supply Chain Management, 6(4), 90-97. Exceling Tech Publishers, London, UK. Scopus Indexed (2018). | Abbas, H. & Khan, Z. A. | |
The Impact of Marketing Mix on the Competitive Advantage of the SME sector in the Al Buraimi Governorate in Oman | Journal Article | SAGE Open, 2018 DOI: 10.1177/2158244018800838 | د. خالد البادي | |
Abbas, H. &Farooquie, J. A. (2018). Framework for Reverse Logistics Practices in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains, | Journal Article | International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Special issue), 119(16), 2343- 2358. Scopus Indexed | د. حيدر عباس | |
Abbas, H. (2018). Barriers to Reverse Logistics Practices in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains; An ISM Approach, | Journal Article | International Journal of Business Excellence, 16 (1), 47-60.InderScience Publication. Scopus Indexed. | د. حيدر عباس | |
Estimation of MHD mixed convection stagnation-point double slip flow towards a vertically stretching sheet with viscous dissipation. | Journal Article | Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics © 2018 Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, India http://www.pphmj.com http://dx.doi.org/10.17654/FM021 030343 Volume 21, Number 3, 2018, Pages 343-355 | Dr. Muhammad Ikhlaq Chohan | |
Stability theory and existence of solution to a multipoint boundary Value problem of fractional differential equations. | Journal Article | Mathematical Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s4009 6-019-0278-4 | Dr. Muhammad Ikhlaq Chohan | |
On a computational methodfor non-integer order PartialDifferential equations in twodimensions. | Journal Article | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OFPURE AND APPLIEDMATHEMATICS,Vol. 12, No. 1, 2019, 39-57ISSN 1307-5543 {www.ejpam.com | د. محمد اخلاق جوهان | |
Analysis of optimal controlproblem of HIV-1 model ofengineered virus. | Journal Article | International Journal ofAdvanced and AppliedSciences. January, 10, 2019 | د. محمد اخلاق جوهان | |
Optimal control of a timedelayed HIV-1 infectionModel | Journal Article | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OFPURE AND APPLIEDMATHEMATICS.Vol. 12, No. 2, 2019, 506-518ISSN 1307-5543 –www.ejpam.com | د. محمد اخلاق جوهان | |
Promoting AlgorithmicThinking in an IntroductoryProgramming Course. | Journal Article | International Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning, 14(1).2019 | Mr. Mohannad Shakir,Dr. Abdallah Al ThawMr. MohammedWaseem Ashfaque | |
A Systematic Review ofPersonalized Learning:Comparison between E-Learning and Learning byCoursework Program inOman. | Journal Article | International Journal ofEmerging Technologies inLearning, 14(5).,2019 | Mr. Mohannad Shakir ,Mrs. Raghad Tawfiq ,Mrs. Ghalia Al-Farisi. | |
Analytical solution of theviscous flow over astretching sheet by multi-stepoptimal homotopyasymptotic method | Journal Article | Journal of Mathematics andComputer Sciences,2019 | د. فرخندة جوخهان | |
“Reverse logistics practicesin Indian pharmaceuticalsupply chains: a study ofmanufacturers | Journal Article | International Journal ofLogistics Systems andManagement ,2019 | د. حيدر عباس | |
Testing Growth TheoryUsing Existing GrowthModelsfor MENA Countries | Journal Article | International Journal of Economicsand Finance; Vol. 12,No. 11; 2020 ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728Published by Canadian Centre ofScience and Education.Online Published on October28, 2020 | Dr. Mohamed OmarFargani andDr. Girijasankar Mallik | |
Inventory Costing Practicesin Small Size Business inAl-Buraimi Region, Oman | Journal Article | International Journal ofPsychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. | د. محمد جاهنجير | |
Factors leading the investorto price the securities inthe emerging financialmarket: - A survey Study inOman | Journal Article | International Journal ofInnovation, Creativity andChange. Volume 14, Issue 9 –2020 – Australia. | د. ارشد التميمي | |
The effect of Internal GrowthRate and Cash Holdingon the Sustainability ofOwners Wealth. | Journal Article | Accepted: - Koya UniversityJournal of Humanities andSocial Sciences, 2020 – Iraq | د. ارشد التميمي | |
Efficient operation of assetsand their impact onsustaining shareholderwealth growth | Journal Article | Journal of Accounting andFinancial Studies, Vol. 15, No.50, 2020 - Iraq | د. ارشد التميمي | |
The Impact of WorkingCapital ManagementEfficiency and FinancialFlexibility on SustainableGrowth Gap | Journal Article | Baghdad College Journal ofEconomic Science, No. 57, p77-100, 2019 - Iraq | د. ارشد التميمي | |
Business Incubators andNurturing of Micro-Entrepreneurship | Refereed Journal | Proceeding of 4th internationalConference of Amman ArabUniversity College ofBusiness, 2019 - Jordan | د. ارشد التميمي | |
Testing Growth TheoryUsing Existing GrowthModels for MENA Countries | Refereed Journal | International Journal of Economicsand Finance; Vol. 12, No. 11;2020 ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN1916-9728 Published by CanadianCentre of Science and Education. | د. محمد عمر الفرجاني | |
الحماية المدنية للمؤشرات الجغرافيةفي القانون الأردني قيد التحكيم في | مجلة محكمة | مجلة المنارة – جامعة آل البيت –الاردن | د. تركي مصلح حمدان مصالحه | |
دراسات في فقه الأحوال الشخصية فيالشريعة الإسلامية وفقا لقانون ًالأحوال الشخصية العماني . | كتاب | نشر دار الكتاب الجامعي 2017 | أ.د حمدي عبدالله نافع | |
قرينة البراءة | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كاية الحقوق و العلوم السياسيةجامعة تلمسان الجزائر، 2017 | د.اسحاق ابو طه | |
حقوق طفل الاقليات | مجلة محكمة | مجلة أكاديميا – كلية الحقوق و العلومالسياسية ، جامعة شليف الجزائر | د. اسحاق ابو طه | |
اثر العدول عن الخطبه وموقفالقضاء منه | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الشريعة بجامعة الازهر فرعطنطا | د. مصطفى راتب حسن | |
المواجهة الجنائية لجرائم تزوير وثائقالسفر: دراسة في القانون العمانيالمقارن | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الحقوق، جامعة طنطابجمهورية مصر العربية 2017 | د. احمد البرواني | |
المسؤولية الموضوعية القائمة علىالضرر في مجال المعلوماتية. دراسةمقارنة | مجلة محكمة | مجلة معهد الشارقة القضائي. مجالالمعلوماتية | د.مرتضى عبدالله | |
السكوت المعبر ودوره في بعضالبيوع المدنية وفقا لقانون المعاملاتالمدنية العماني | مجلة محكمة | مجلة جامعة الحمه الوادي. ديسمبر 2017 | د.مرتضى عبدالله | |
احكام المسؤولية العقدية عنالاستعمال غير المشروع. دراسةمقارنة | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الحقوق بجامعة جامعة حسيبة ابوعلى. | د.مرتضى عبدالله | |
الوكيل الذكي وحماية البياناتالشخصية على شبكة الانترنت | مجلة محكمة | مجلة الامانة أكاديمية شرطة عمان السلطانيةالعدد التاسع والعشرون – يناير 2019م. | أ. د أحمد كمال | |
حماية الخصوصية المعلوماتيةللمستخدم عبر شبكات مواقع التواصلالاجتماعي( دراسة مقارنة) | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون- فرع جامعةالازهر بطنطا – ربيع الاول 1440هـ –ديسمبر 2018م | د. محمد أحمد المعداوي: | |
تنمية الوازع الديني واثره في الوقايةمن الجريمة | مجلة محكمة | مجلة المجتمع والقانون – الادعاء العامبسلطنة عمان – العدد (10) سبتمبر 2018م | د. أحمد بن صالح البرواني. | |
جرائم الانتخابات | مجلة محكمة | مجلة المجتمع والقانون – الادعاء العامبسلطنة عمان – العدد (13) مايو 2019 | د. سعيد العلوي | |
الشروط في عقد الزواج في الفقهالاسلامي دراسة مقارنة مع قانونالاحوال الشخصية العماني | مجلة محكمة | المجلة العلمية – كلية الدراسات الاسلاميةوالعربية بدمياط – العدد (5) نوفمبر 2018م | د. سعيد العلوي | |
طلاق المسحور والمريض النفسي فيالفقه الاسلامي | مجلة محكمة | حولية كلية اللغة العربية – بجرجا – مصر –العدد (22) فبراير2018. | د. سعيد العلوي | |
اثر الموت في الدين المؤجل في الفقهالاسلامي والقانون | مجلة محكمة | مجلة روح القوانين – جامعة طنطا مصر –العدد (78) ابريل 2017. | د. سعيد العلوي | |
: التطبيقات القضائية لمسؤوليةالجهات الادارية عن أخطائها المرفقيةفي القانون الاداري– دراسة مقارنةالفرنسي والمصري والعماني – | مجلة محكمة | المجلة المصرية للدراسات القانونيةوالاقتصادية عدد يونيو 2019 | د. وليد فاروق | |
أثر الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد- كوفيد 19- في إسقاط حق الحضانة | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الحقوق بجامعة طنطا 2020 | د. سعيد العلوي | |
الشخصية القانونية للإنسان الآليالذكي | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الحقوق بجامعة الكويت 2020 | د. محمد ربيع | |
تأثير الجوائح والأوبئة على عقودالعمل | مجلة محكمة | مجلة العلوم القانونية بجامعة الشارقة 2020 | د. محمد ربيع | |
الجوانب القانونية للعقد السياحي | مجلة محكمة | المجلة القانونية بجامعة القاهرة فرعالخرطوم 2020 | د. محمد ربيع | |
النظام القانوني للأقليات المسلمة فيالبلاد غير المسلمة "التحكيم والتحاكم | مجلة محكمة | مجلة الدراسات الفقهية و القانونية بالمعهد العالي للقضاء بسلطنة عمان 2020 | د. رمضان إبراهيم علام | |
الحماية القانونية لحائز المعلومات غيرالمفصح عنها في مجال صناعةالدواء | مجلة محكمة | مجلة النشر القضائية ، المكتب الفني للمحكمة العليا بسلطنة عمان 2020 | د. مصطفى راتب | |
حجية الدفاتر التجارية الالكترونية في الاثبات وفقا للقانون العماني | مجلة محكمة | مجلة دراسات في الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمالبجامعة العربي التبسي- تبسه بالجزائر 2020 | د. علي البادي | |
تجديد الخطاب الديني ، مفهومه ودواعيه والدور الاعلامي فيه | مجلة محكمة | مجلة الدراسات الفقهية و القانونية بالمعهدالعالي للقضاء بسلطنة عمان 2020 | د. أميره عبدالرحمن | |
زيادات الثقات في الاحاديث النبوية وأثرها في إختلاف الاحكام الفقهية | مجلة محكمة | مجلة الدراسات الفقهية و القانونية بالمعهد العالي للقضاء بسلطنة عمان 2020 | د. أميره عبدالرحمن | |
مسؤولية البنك في حال عدم الكشف عن غسل الاموال | مجلة محكمة | مجلة صدى للدراسات القانونية والسياسية بجامعة الجيلاني بو نعامه 2020 | د. تركي مصالحه | |
اعادة التنظيم احدى اجراءات مراحل الاعسار للوقاية من التصفية | مجلة محكمة | المجلة الدولية للقانون بقطر 2020 | د. تركي مصالحه | |
المسؤولية المدنية عن الاضرار التي اصابت ركاب الرحلة 302 اديس ابابا الناجمة عن انفجار الطائرة بوينج | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية القانون الكويتية 2020 | د. تركي مصالحه | |
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول للتربية والتعليم / أكاديمية ليمار التركية | مجلة محكمة | المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول للتربية والتعليم / أكاديمية ليمار التركية2021 | ا سماح المعمري | |
المسؤولية المدنية للموثق | مجلة محكمة | مجلة الكلية العلمية المحكمة – كلية الشريعة 2021 والقانون – تفهنا الاشراف – الدقهلية | د. مصطفى راتب | |
أثر مبدأ حسن النية في إنهاء عقود المدة | مجلة محكمة | مجلة العلوم القانونية – جامعة القاهرة – فرع الخرطوم 2021 | د. محمد ربيع | |
خبر الآحاد وأثره في اختلاف الاحكام الفقهية | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الآداب للإنسانيات والعلوم الاجتماعية – جامعة الفيوم 2021 | د. أميره عبدالرحمن | |
أثر الشريعة في تحقيق الأمن المجتمعي وعلاج الظواهر السلبية (التنمر نموذجا ) | مجلة محكمة | مجلة الخدمات للاستشارات البحثية واللغات – كلية الآداب – جامعة المنوفية 2021 | د. أميره عبدالرحمن | |
العقود الذكية المبرمة على سلسلة الكتل (دراسة مقارنة) | مجلة الدراسات الفقهية والقانونية – المعهد العالي للقضاء | تم تحكيم البحث وقبوله للنشر بتاريخ 10ابريل 2022 | احمد كمال احمد صبري | |
الحماية القانونية للملكية الفكرية علي سلسلة الكتل | مجلة الأمانة – أكاديمية السلطان قابوس لعلوم الشرطة | تم تحكيم البحث وقبوله للنشر بالمجلة عددشهر 6 -2022 | احمد كمال احمد صبري | |
خصائص الحضارة الإسلامية | كتاب | مشاركة في مؤتمر مع النشر رقم الايداع بدارالكتاب المصرية 2019/6176 م | د.منار المصري | |
تقلد المرأة المناصب القيادية في ضوء مقاصد الشرع الكيلة | كتاب | مشاركة في مؤتمر مع النشر رقم الايداعبدار الكتاب المصرية 2019/6176 م | أ.بدرية الهنائي | |
أثر برنامج تدريبي مقترح لتنمية مهارات الكتابة الوظيفية لدى طلبة كلية البريمي الجامعية . | مجلة محكمة | مجلة ايجهار | أ.سماح المعمري | |
القواعد الفقهية المتعلقة بالدور القواعد الفقهية المجتمعي للمؤسسات المالية ورجال الأعمال في مواجهة الأوبئة والجوائح والكوارث والأزمات" مع الإشارة إلى جهود المؤسسات المالية ورجال الأعمال في سلطنة ُعمان | كتاب | مشاركة في مؤتمر مع النشر رقم الايداع بدارالكتاب المصرية 2021/6176 م | أ.بدرية الهنائي | |
مبدأ الحياد الإيجابي وتطبيقاته في السياسة الخارجية العمانية دراسة مقارنة بالفقه الإسلامي. | مجلة محكمة | مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون بأسيوط" دوريةعلمية محكمة | أ.بدرية الهنائي |