Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes
نظره عامه
أهداف البرنامج:
- Preserve global education standards which help the students to effectively acquire knowledge and skills in information technology, management and business in information systems.
- Produce a skillful and innovative workforce aligned with the needs of the information systems job market.
- Provide students with basic knowledge in both theory and practice in information systems discipline.
- Develop a strong foundation in the information systems discipline by taking specialized and elective courses.
- Equip students with a basis for continued study and growth in their discipline.
- Enable students to communicate orally and verbally in academic and social contexts.
نتائج التعلم للبرنامج:
- PLO1. Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying infrastructure of information systems.
- PLO2. Analyze business problems using foundational knowledge from the fields of information technology, ethical and business decision making in information systems.
- PLO3. Develop software by using different principles and practices of software design and development.
- PLO4. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
- PLO5. Support effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
- PLO6. Show good command of language in general and specific contexts relating to the discipline