Student Advisory Council

المجلس الاستشاري الطلابي

يهدف إلى تخطيط و تحقيق المشاركة الطلابية الإيجابية في صنع القرار بالكلية لتطوير العملية التعليمية والانشطة الطلابية ، وتوصيل وجهات نظر الطلاب حيال ما يقدم من أنشطة تعليمية ولا صفية وخدمية بالمؤسسة.


1. Representing college students in college council meetings, academic department councils, student clubs and groups, and some official and subsidiary committees.
2. Transferring students’ suggestions and opinions to the college administration.
3. Participation in the development and improvement of the educational process and the services provided to students.
4. Work to implement the students’ proposals as much as possible through coordination with the concerned authorities, and in a manner that does not conflict with the college’s regulations and policies,
5. Enhancing communication horizons and creating a link between students and college officials
6. Providing support and assistance to college students.
7. Cooperation to make the college a professional educational community, and an incubating environment for the generation and development of knowledge and the acquisition of ideals, ethics, acquaintance and harmony among all its employees.
8. Documenting the plans and activities of the Student Advisory Council in their records at the council’s headquarters.

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