البحث العلمي والابتكار

Research Publications

عنوان البحثطبيعة النشر ( مجلة محكمة/ كتاب/ فصل في كتاب )تفاصيل النشر ( عنوان وتاريخ النشر )الباحثJournal Indexed
Understanding the Determinants of Adoption of Healthcare Information TechnologyBook ChapterInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science,178-189أ. عبير السديريScopus (Spring Link)
Probabilistic Detection of Indoor Events Using a Wireless Sensor Network-Based MechanismPeer reviewed journalProbabilistic Detection of Indoor Events Using a Wireless Sensor Network Based Mechanism,2023/8/3, Sensors, publisher:MDPIد. بيداء حمزةScopus (SJR)
Analysis of E-Learning System Use Using Combined TAM and ECT FactorsPeer reviewed Journal articleJournals Sustainability Volume 15 Issue 14 10.3390/su151411100 (16 July 2023)د. رغد موفقScopus (SJR)
Technology integration of using digital gameplay for enhancing EFL college students’ behavior intentionPeer reviewed journalContemporary Educational Technology, 2023, 15(4), ep452د. رغد موفقScopus (SJR)
Analysis of E-Learning System Use Using Combined TAM and ECT Factors. Sustainability 2023, 15, 11100 Peer review journalSustainabilityد. رغد موفقScopus (SJR)
An Application of Medical Care System During the COVID-19Journal ArticleIn Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Proceedings of ICCVBIC 2022 (pp. 717-728).
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. 2023 (16 July 2023)
د. بيداء حمزةScopus (Spring Link)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems: ICETIS 2022 Volume 12023Bookد. محمد ناجي الكعبيScopus (SJR)
Competency categorization and roles of online teachers from the perspective of university studentsJournal ArticleFrontiers in Psychology, 14 2023 د. رغد موفقScopus (SJR)
Essential Factors to Improve Student Performance Using an E-Learning Model: Review Study.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Interactive Mobileد. رغد موفقScopus (SJR)
The design features of digital games and their impact on language learning for EFL college studentsJournal ArticleTechnologies, 17 (3). 2023Klimova, Blanka, Liqaa Habeb AlObaydi, د. رغد موفق, and Marcel PikhartScopus (SJR)
Socio-cognitive determinants of plagiarism intentions among university students during emergency online learning: Integrating emotional, motivational, and moral factors into theory of planned behaviorJournal ArticleCogent Psychology (12 Feb, 2023)د. مريم ناصر النعيميScopus (Tylor & Francis)
Unveiling the Enigmatic World: Annie Dilard’s Journey into the Heart of NatureJournal ArticleQuest Journals
Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science (29 Sep, 2023)
د. فراس الجميليScopus (SJR)
Development of Online Clearance System Using Web-Based System Conference Paper2023 Fifth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT)
أ.عبير السديري, د. رغد موفق, ا. غالية الفارسي, د. بيداء حمزة, and Zaihisma Che CobIEEE
Sustainability Model for the Continuous Intention to Use Metaverse Technology in Higher Education: A Case Study from OmanJournal ArticleSustainability, 15(6), 5257. (16 Mar, 2023)
Dr. Rana Almaroof, Said Salloum, Amina Al Marzouqi, Khaled Younis Alderbashi, Fanar Shwedeh, Ahmad Aburayya.Scopus (SJR)
The Current Perceptions About Instructional Tools in Educational Towards Adoption of Virtual Reality Among Undergraduate Students.Academic JournalInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 10.3991/ijim. v17i08.36935Farsi, Ghaliya Al; Yusof, Azmi bin Mohd.; Bin Rusli, Mohd Ezanee; AlSinani, MaryamScopus (SJR)
A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc NetworksConference PaperProceedings 7th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (Cat. No.98EX226)Baidaa Hamza, Lial Raja Alzabin, Mohammed Anbar, Ragad M. Tawafak, Tat-Chee Wan, Abir AlSideiri, Sohail Iqbal Malik, and Taief Alaa Al Amiedy.IEEE
The Efficiency of UTAUT2 Model in Predicting Student's Acceptance of Using Virtual Reality Technology.Academic JournalInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 2023, Vol 17, Issue 12, p17Ghaliya Al FarsiScopus (SJR)
Development and validation of ICT unethical behavior scale among undergraduate studentsJournal ArticleCurrent Psychology (1 Aug, 2023)Mariam Nasser AL-Nuaimi, Mostafa Al-Emran.Scopus (Spring Link)
Examining measurement invariance of an ICT literacy self-efficacy scale across gender: a comparative studyJournal ArticlePerformance Measurement and Metrics (8 Sep, 2023)د. مريم ناصر النعيميScopus (Emerald Insight)
Accuracy and Problems of MachineBased Translation in Contrast to Human-Based Translation when Rendering Health Awareness Texts Versus Poetry TextsAcademic JournalAcademic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (5 Jul,2023) DOI:Babikir Eltigani Siddig Ahmed Salah Mohammed OsmanScopus (SJR)
Virtual Reality Environments with the Education SectorConference PaperSpringer Nature Singapore (24 Sep, 2023)Ghaliya Al Farsi, Azmi bin Mohd Yusof, Mohd Ezanee Bin Rusli, Maryam AlSinaniScopus (SJR)
Subtitling Research in the Arab World: Review Article Research ArticleInternational Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation (1 Jan,2023)Mohammad MansyScopus (International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation)
Online Assessment in Language Teaching Environment through Essays, Oral Discussion, and Multiple-Choice QuestionsAcademic JournalComputer-Assisted Language Learning Journal (24 Oct, 2023)Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi, Marcel Pikhart, Ragad M TawafakScopus (SJR)
Mobile application system using augment reality for supporting higher educational students Research ArticleAIP Conference Proceedings (15 Dec, 2023)Sayera Hafsa, Ragad M Tawafak, Mazlina Abdul Majid, Ghaliya AlfarsiScopus (SJR)
What I know, what I want to know, what I learned: Activating EFL college students' cognitive, behavioral, and emotional engagement through structuredResearch ArticlePsychol., 04 January 2023 Sec. Educational Psychology Volume 13 - 202Ragad M Tawafak Liqaa Habeb Al-Obaydi Marcel PikhartScopus (SJR)
The Role of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Business ( A general and brief approach in the GCC countries)Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 10, Issue 3 (I) July - September 2023.
https://iaraedu.com/about-journal/ijair-volume-10-issue-3-i-july september-2023.php
Dr. Mohammed Jahangir AliScopus (International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research)
Impact of Compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS No. 9 on Financial Risk Reduction in Banks Listed on the Palestine Stock ExchangeJournal ArticleJournal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, (30 Sep, 2023) 9 (3), 265-276AlAfifi, A. A. M., Dorgham, M. M, and Abu Zaid, A. A. KScopus (Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies)
Selecting Machine Learning Models for Student Performance Prediction Aligned with Pedagogical ObjectivesConference Paper2023 IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO)Mr. IjazIEEE
Towards the Selection of Distance Metrics for k-NN Classifier in Students' Performance Prediction ModelingConference Paper2023 IEEE International Conference on Computing (ICOCO)Mr. IjazIEEE
Enhancing problem‐solving skills of novice programmers in an introductory programming course PaperComputer Applications in Engineering Education. (WoS, Q3) Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., Al‐Sideiri, A., Jabbar, J., Al‐Nuaimi, R., & Tawafak, R. M.-
A web-based model to enhance algorithmic thinking for novice programmers PaperE-Learning and Digital Media, 20427530211026988. (WoS, Q3) Iqbal Malik, S., Mathew, R., Tawafak, R. M., & Alfarsi, G.-
Aligning and Assessing Teaching Approaches With SOLO Taxonomy in a Computer Programming Course PaperInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 17(4), 1-15. (WoS, Q4) Malik, S. I., Tawafak, R. M., & Shakir, M-
A Model for Enhancing Algorithmic Thinking in Programming Education using PAAM PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(9). (Scopus, Q3) Malik, S. I., Tawafak, R. M., & Alfarsi, G.-
Impact of Technologies During COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavior Intention to Use E-learning PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, IJIM (Scopus indexed, Q3), Tawafak, R., AlFarsi, G., Jabbar, J., Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., AlSidiri, A., ... & Romli, A.-
Impact of Technologies During COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavior Intention to Use E-learning. PaperInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE) (Emerging source, Scopus, Q4) Tawafak, R., AlFarsi, G., Jabbar, J., Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., AlSidiri, A., ... & Romli, A.-
Innovative Smart Phone Learning System for Graphical Systems within COVID-19 Pandemic. PaperContemporary Educational Technology, 13(3), ep306. (Scopus, Q2) Tawafak, R. M., Alfarsi, G., & Jabbar, J.-
The Practicality of Virtual Reality Applications in Education: Limitations and Recommendations. PaperJournal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48(7). (Scopus, Q2) Al Farsi, G., Yusof, A. B. M., Fauzi, W. J. B., Rusli, M. E. B., Malik, S. I., Tawafak, R. M., ... & Jabbar, J.-
Impact of Technologies During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavioral Intention to Use E-Learning. PaperInternational Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 17(3), 137-150. (WoS, Q4) Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., & Alfarsi, G.-
A Combined Model for Continuous Intention to Use E-Learning System. PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(9). (Scopus, Q3) Tawafak, R., Malik, S., Mathew, R., Ashfaque, M., Jabbar, J., AlNuaimi, M., ... & Alfarsi, G.-
A Conceptual Framework to Aid Attribute Selection in Machine Learning Student Performance Prediction Modelsevaluating PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 2021, Vol. 15 Issue 15, p4-19. 16p Ijaz Khan, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Nafaa Jabeur, Mohammed Najah Mahdi-
Machine Learning Prediction and Recommendation Framework to Support Introductory Programming Course PaperInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 16(17). Khan, I., Ahmad, A. R., Jabeur, N., & Mahdi, M. N.-
An artificial intelligence approach to monitor student performance and devise preventive measures. PaperSmart Learning Environments, 8(1), 1-18. Khan, I., Ahmad, A. R., Jabeur, N., & Mahdi, M. N.-
Investigating the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Pharmacy in Oman PaperJournal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48(10). Al Sideiri, A., Cob, Z. B. C., & Drus, S. B. M.-
A Review of Virtual Reality Applications in an Educational Domain. PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(22). Al Farsi, G., Yusof, A. B. M., Romli, A., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., & Bin Rsuli, M. E.-
Users Acceptance of Electronic Personal Synthesis Behavior (EPSB): An Exploratory Study PaperRecent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories, 509-520. Springer. Shakir, M., Abood, R., Sheker, M., Alnaseri, M., Al-Hashimi, M., & Tawafak, R. M.-
A survey of using machine learning algorithms during the COVID-19 pandemic. PaperEmerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol 348, (pp. 1-8). Springer. (Scopus indexed, Q3). Al-Emran, M., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Marques, G.-
Digitizing learning during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from the most infected countries. PaperEmerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Vol 348, (pp. 291- 303). Springer. (Scopus indexed, Q3). Al-Nuaimi, M. N., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Al-Emran, M.-
Games Based Learning: Method and Integrity. PaperIn Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2021), 26-28 February, 2021, Kolkata, India (p. 410). CRC Press. Tylor and France. Tawafak, R. M., Mathew, R., Alfarsi, G., & Malik, S. I.-
A Machine Learning Classification Application to Identify Inefficient Novice Programmers. PaperIn International Visual Informatics Conference (pp. 423-434). Springer, Cham. Khan, I., Al-Mamari, A., Al-Abdulsalam, B., Al-Abdulsalam, F., Al-Khansuri, M., Iqbal Malik, S., & Ahmad, A. R.-
Learning management systems for accreditation approval: A review paper. PaperIn AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2339, No. 1, p. 020073). AIP Publishing LLC. (Scopus, Q3) Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Malik, S. I., & Alfarsi, G.-
The principles of designing an expert system in teaching mathematics. PaperIn AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2339, No. 1, p. 020078). AIP Publishing LLC. (SCOPUS, Q3) Alfarsi, G., Hidayah, S., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., Eldaw, A., & Alsidiri, A.-
Integration of TAM and MOOC for e-learning purpose. PaperIn AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2339, No. 1, p. 020056). AIP Publishing LLC. (SCOPUS ,Q3 Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Malik, S. I., & Alfarsi, G.-
Examining continuous integrating of technology acceptance model with task-technology fit PaperIn IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1088, No. 1, p. 012061). IOP Publishing. Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Malik, S. I., Alfarsi, G., & Jabbar, J.-
Concepts of e-learning performance on system use outcomes in Omani Universities. PaperIn IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1088, No. 1, p. 012008). IOP Publishing. Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A., Al Sideiri, A., Malik, S. I., & Jabbar, J.-
A Review of Virtual Reality Applications in an Educational Domain.PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(22).Al Farsi, G., Yusof, A. B. M., Romli, A., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., & Bin Rsuli, M. E.-
An Application of Heuristic and Meta Dendral Expert System.PaperIn ITM Web of Conferences (Vol. 42). EDP Sciences.Tawafak, R. M., Alfarsi, G., & Malik, S. I.-
Artificial Intelligence Effectiveness and Impact within COVID-19.PaperIn ITM Web of Conferences (Vol. 42). EDP Sciences.Tawafak, R. M., Alfarsi, G., & Khudayer, B. H.-
Evaluating the actual use of learning management systems during the covid-19 pandemic:Paperan integrated theoretical model, Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2022.2055577Maryam Nasser AL-Nuaimi,  Omar Said Al Sawafi,  Sohail Iqbal Malik,  Mostafa Al-Emran,  Yasser Fouad Selim-
An optimizing rebroadcast mechanism for minimizing the control overhead in mobile ad-hoc networks. PaperJournal of theoretical and applied information technology, 100(8).Khudayer, b. H., alzabin, l. R., anbar, m., tawafak, r. M., alamiedy, t. A., malik, s. I., & alfarsi, g. M.-
Contributing factors for student perception to use e-learning systems.PaperJournal of theoretical and applied information technology, 100(7).Tawafak, r. M., alyoussef, i. Y., alrahmi, w. M., & malik, s. I.-
Facilitation for Undergraduate College Students to Learn Java Language Using E-Learning Model.PaperInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(8).Al Farsi, G., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., & Khudayer, B. H.-
Analysis of Different Trends in Chatbot Designing and Development: A Review.PaperECS Transactions, 107(1), 7215.Ashfaque, M. W.-
Intrusion detection system for industrial Internet of Things based on deep reinforcement learning.PaperWireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022.Tharewal, S., Ashfaque, M. W., Banu, S. S., Uma, P., Hassen, S. M., & Shabaz, M.-
Towards an implementation of instance-based classifiers in pedagogical environment.PaperJournal of engineering science and technology, 16(5), 3757-3771.Khan, Ijaz., ahmad, a. R., jabeur, n., & mahdi, m. N.-
The Implementation of Critical Pedagogy in Digital Second Language Acquisition in Higher Education: Age and Gender Differences. PaperComputer-Assisted Language Learning, 23(2), 56-75.Pikhart, M., & Tawafak, R. M.-
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent SystemsPaper, ICETIS 2021 (Volume 1), Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-82615-4. , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-82615-4.Al-Emran M., Al-Sharafi M. A., Al-Kabi M. N., Shaalan K.-
Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems, ICETIS 2021 (Volume 2) , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-85989-3.PaperICETIS 2021 (Volume 2) , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-85989-3.Al-Emran M., Al-Sharafi M. A., Al-Kabi M. N., Shaalan K.-
A View of Virtual Reality in Learning Process.PaperIn Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (pp. 423-428). Springer, SingaporeFarsi, G. A., Tawafak, R. M., Malik, S. I., Mathew, R., & Ashfaque, M. W.-
Product Aspect Ranking Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making.PaperIn Handbook of Research on Consumer Behavior Change and Data Analytics in the Socio-Digital Era (pp. 74-94). IGI Global.Alrababah, S. A. A., Gan, K. H., Tan, T. P., & Al-Kabi, M. N.-
Bottom to Top Analysis of Joseph’s SuraConference
Black Sea University ConferenceProceedings, Gergia (2017)Dr.Rana Al Naimi
The Analysis of Narrative Patterns in Suratu Al-Kahf ‘The Cave’.Journal ArticleEuropean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 55 Issue 2. (2017)Dr.Rana Al Naimi
The Effect of Transparency on a Three-Cycle Model of ManipulativeJournal ArticleCrossRoads:A Journal of English Studies.(2017)Dr.Rana Al Naimi
The Analysis of Grammatical Shift in English-Arabic Translation of BBC Media News Text.Journal ArticleLanguage in India Journal, Vol. 17:10 October 2017.Nael Hijjo and Kais kadhim (2017).
The Impact of Social Support on EFL Learners’ Motivation at Iraqi Kurdistan Universities.Journal ArticleModern Applied Science, Vol 1,No 7(2017): 51-56. CanadianCenter of Science and Education.Mohammad Abdullah Yehia
An Englishized Linguistic Landscape: Glocalization of English in PakistanJournal ArticleWorld Englishes. doi:10.1111/weng.12213, 2017Manan, S., David, M.K., Dumanig, F., &Chana, L.A
Language Policy and Research on Technological Advancement in English Language Teaching in Malaysia.Journal ArticleLanguage in India(2017). http://languageinindia.com/feb2017/dumaniglanguageteachingmalaysia1.htmlDavid, M.K &Dumanig, F. (2017)
Utilizing Facebook in EFL Writing Classrooms in Om an.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (University of Bahrain Scientific Publishing Center): July 2018 Doi: 10.12785/ijcds/070406Dr. Yahya Al Khoudary
Students Acceptance of Google Classroom: An Exploratory Study using PLS- SEM Approach.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 13(06), 112-123Al-Maroof, R. A. S., & Al-Emran, M
Assessing the Impact of Technology Learning and Assessment Method on Academic Performance.Journal ArticleEURASIA Journal of Mathematics,Science and TechnologyEducation, 14(6), 2241-2254Tawafak, R. M., Romli, A. B., bin Abdullah Arshah, R., Almaroof, R. A. S. (2018).
Annie Dillard's The Maytrees: A Contemporary Investigation of Transcendental ThoughtJournal ArticleLiterary Voice No 10 Volume 1March 2019 / Web of ScienceIndexedد. فراس الجميلي
Feminist Graphic Narratives: The Ongoing Game of Eluding Censorship.Journal ArticleMediterranean Journal of SocialSciences. (10). 1: 49-57.Emira Derbel
Expanding Opportunities for Innovative Teaching and Learning: Literature through Comics.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of AppliedLinguistics and English Literature,(8). 1: 54-61.Emira Derbel
A Qualitative Study on the Best Motivational Teaching Strategies in the Context of Oman: Perspectives of EFL TeachersJournal ArticleEnglish Language Teaching 12 (3),57-64, 2019.Dr. Mohamed Yahya
Implementation of FlippedClassroom Model and ItsEffectiveness on EnglishSpeaking PerformanceJournal ArticleInternational Journal: EmergingTechnologies in LearningDr. Mohamed Yahya
Flipped the classroomtowards Learner Autonomyin an EFL Writing Class.Journal Article(2019) Proceedings of the 1st.Applied Linguistics and LanguageTeaching (ALLT) Conference.Dr. Yahya Ashour Alkhoudary
Flipped the classroomtowards Learner Autonomyin an EFL Writing Class.Journal ArticleIJIM, Vol. (1), pp. 127 – 135.Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary
Investigating ClassroomInteraction: Teacher andLearner ParticipationJournal ArticleEnglish Language Teaching; Vol.11, No. 12; 2018ISSN 1916-4742E-ISSN1916-4750Published by Canadian Center ofScience and EducationDr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary
Utilizing Face book in EFLWriting Classrooms inOman. International Journalof Computing and DigitalSystemsJournal ArticleInternational Journal of Computingand Digital Systems, 7 (4): 225 –232.http://dx.doi.org/10.12785/ijcds/070406Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary
The Impact of Weblog onOmani Learners’ WritingSkills in the EnglishLanguage.Journal ArticleIJTD, VOL.9, issue 4.Dr. Yahya AshourAlkhoudary
Students and EducatorsAttitudes towards the use ofM-Learning: Gender andSmartphone ownershipDifferences.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM)IJIM, Vol. (1), pp. 127 – 135.2019.Dr. Yahya AlKhoudary
Difficulties EFL TranslationStudents Face in TranslatingLegal Texts into ArabicJournal ArticleJournal of Scientific ResearchAin Shams UniversityNo.19, vol.4ISSN2356-83-43AmalAlrishan
Importance of understandinglearner difference in anESL/EFL ClassroomJournal ArticleTeaching of English:Introspections and Indication, ELTSeries, January 2019Muhammed AliChalikandy
Task: Effective Ways of Accommodating Learners’ Identities in Higher Education Oman.Journal ArticleIn R. Al- Mahrooqi & C. Denman(Eds.) English Education in Oman(259-280) Springer, 2018Muhammed AliChalikandy
Addressing Multiple Learner Styles through TasksJournal ArticleBodhi International Journal ofResearch in Humanities, Arts andscience, 2(7), 1-4Muhammed AliChalikandy
Omani EFL Students’ Preference of Grammar Teaching Method.Journal ArticleLanguage in India, 18(1), 1-21,2018.Muhammed AliChalikandy
Developing ESL/EFL learners’ Grammatical Competence through Communicative ActivitiesJournal ArticleJELT (Journal on EnglishLanguage Teaching) 8(1), 63-69.(2018)Muhammed AliChalikandy
‫في اشكالي ات تعريب الشعر الأنجليزي‬‏ ‫المعاصر و تحدياته: شعر ييتس و‬‏ ‫إليوت و باوند كأنموذج‬‏Journal Article‫في اشكالي ات تعريب الشعر الأنجليزي‬‏‫المعاصر و تحدياته: شعر ييتس و إليوت و‬‏‫باوند كأنموذج 2018 ( مجلة منتدى العلاقات‬‏‫العربية و الدولية)‬‏أ. سفيان التارقي
The Effect of Peers’ andTeacher’s E -Feedback on Writing Anxiety LevelThrough CMC ApplicationsJournal ArticleInternational Journal: EmergingTechnologies in Learning 13 (11),196-207, 2018.Mohamad YahyaAbdullah
Exploring the Extent of ICT Role as a Teaching Tool in the Public Universities of Khartoum StateJournal ArticleJournal of Engineering andApplied Sciences 13 (15), 5976-5983, 2018Mohamad YahyaAbdullah
Investigating Classroom Interaction: Teacher and Learner ParticipationJournal ArticleEnglish Language Teaching; Vol.11, No. 12; 2018ISSN 1916-4742E-ISSN1916-4750Published by Canadian Center ofScience and EducationBabikir Eltigani
Exploring the utilization of the Task- Based approach on university students’ speaking ability in the English languageJournal ArticleVol 2 No 1 (2018): EPH -International Journal ofEducational ResearchBabikir Eltigani
Working with Different Text Types in English and Arabic Translation in PracticeEdited BookCambridge Scholars PublishingBahaa-eddin Hassan
“Pragmatics ”. In Ben Van Wyke and Kelly Washbourne (Eds.),HandbookRoutledge Handbook of LiteraryTranslation.London: Routledge.2019Bahaa-eddin Hassan
The Transparency-reflection in Puns Arabic TranslationJournal ArticleTrans letters Journal of Translationand interpreting Volume (!),No 2(2018) ( published on website Feb2019)Dr. Rana Alneimi
Studying the Social MediaAdoption by universitystudents in the United ArabEmiratesJournal ArticleInternational Journal ofInformation Technology andLanguage Studiesد. شاكر محمدي
Factors affecting theAdoption and MeaningfulUse of Social Media: AStructural EquationModeling ApproachJournal ArticleInternational Journal ofInformation Technology andLanguage Studiesد. شاكر محمدي
Translating News TextsDuring Wars and Conflicts:Challenges and StrategiesJournal ArticleANGLICA An InternationalJournal of English Studies(Scopus)د. شاكر محمدي
A Unified Model for the Useand Accept of Social MediaMessagingJournal ArticleProceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems and Informatics2019.( AISI 2019 Conf Program)Dr. RanaAlneimi
A Unified Model for the Useand Acceptance of Stickersin Social Media MessagingJournal ArticleProceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems and Informatics2019.( AISI 2019 Conf Program)Dr. Rana A. SaeedAlnaimi
Understanding an ExtensionTechnology AcceptanceModel of GoogleTranslation: A Multi-Cultural Study in UnitedArab Emirates.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies,2020Dr.Rana Almaroof
Fear from COVID-19 andtechnology adoption: theimpact of Google Meetduring CoronaviruspandemicJournal ArticleInteractive LearningEnvironments,2020Dr.Rana Almaroof
The effectiveness of onlineplatforms after the pandemic:will face-to-face classesaffect students’ perception oftheir Behavioural Intention(BIU) to use onlineplatforms?Journal ArticleInformatics,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Acceptance determinants of5G servicesJournal Articlenternational Journal of Data andNetwork Science,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Research trends in flippedclassroom: a systematicreviewJournal ArticleRecent advances in intelligentsystems and smartapplications,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Blended learning acceptance:A systematic review ofinformation systems modelsJournal ArticleTechnology, Knowledge andLearning,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
[PDF] from mdpi.comUser acceptance of smartwatch for medical purposes:an empirical studyJournal ArticleFuture Internet,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Google glass adoption in theeducational environment: Acase study in the Gulf areaJournal ArticleEducation and InformationTechnologies,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Factors that affect e-learningplatforms after the spread ofCOVID-19: post acceptancestudyJournal ArticleMultidisciplinary DigitalPublishing Institute,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
The acceptance of socialmedia video for knowledgeacquisition, sharing andapplication: A comparativestudy among YouYube usersand TikTok users’ formedical purposesJournal ArticleInternational Journal of Data andNetwork Science,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
An Integrated model ofcontinuous intention to useof google classroomBook ChapterRecent Advances in IntelligentSystems and SmartApplications,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Acceptance of Google Meetduring the spread ofCoronavirus by Arabuniversity studentsJournal ArticleMultidisciplinary DigitalPublishing Institute,2021Dr.Rana Almaroof
Evaluating the actual use oflearning managementsystems during the covid-19pandemic: an integratedtheoretical modelJournal ArticleInteractive LearningEnvironments, DOI:10.1080/10494820.2022.2055577,2022Maryam Nasser AL-Nuaimi, Omar Said AlSawafi, Sohail IqbalMalik, Mostafa Al-Emran & Yasser FouadSelim
Human and contextualfactors influencing cyber-security in organizations, andimplications for highereducation institutions: asystematic reviewJournal ArticleGlobal Knowledge, Memory andCommunication, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-12-2021-0209, 2022AL-Nuaimi, M.N.(2022),
Construct validity andreliability of the scales forrating the behavioralcharacteristics of superiorstudents among a sample ofelementary students in QatarJournal ArticleGifted Education International.2021;37(3):290-304.doi:10.1177/02614294211013441Jaffal AF, Abu-Hilal M,Al-Naimi MN.
From Minority to OfficialLanguage: The CurrentStatus of Kurdish Languageafter 2003Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies (IJITLS)(April, 2022),V. (6)/ Issue (1)Dr. Moahamd YahyaAbdullah.,Dr. AhmedHani Naif .hor)
A conceptual framework fordetermining metaverseadoption in higherinstitutions of gulf area: Anempirical study using hybridSEM-ANN approach.Journal ArticleComputers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100052.,2022Akour, I. A., Al-Maroof, R. S., Alfaisal,R., & Salloum, S. A.
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Using InformationCommunication Technologyas a Teaching tool inSudanese GovernmentalUniversities of KhartoumStateJournal ArticleJOIV: International Journal onInformatics Visualization, 2017,Vol. 1, No. 4Abdalla Eldow,Mohanaad Shakir,Mohamad YahyaAbdullah,Sohail Iqbal Malik
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Understanding the Impact ofSocial Media Practices on E-Learning SystemsAcceptanceConference ProceedingsProceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems andInformatics 2019.د. مصطفى العمران
Teaching Problem SolvingSkills using an EducationalGame in a ComputerProgramming CourseConference ProceedingsProceedings of the InternationalConference on AdvancedIntelligent Systems andInformatics 2019Dr. Roy MATHEW, Dr.Sohail Iqbal MALIKand Mrs.RagadMoufaqTAWAFAK
Understanding thedifferences in students'attitudes towards socialmedia use: A case studyfrom OmanConference ProceedingsProceedings of 2019 IEEE StudentConference on Research andDevelopment (SCOReD),د. مصطفى العمران
E-learning Model forStudents’ Satisfaction inHigher EducationUniversities: Review PaperConference ProceedingsProceedings of 2019 InternationalConference on Fourth IndustrialRevolution (ICFIR)Ghaliya Al Farsi;JasiyaJabbar ; Ragad MTawafak
An Innovative Approach ofApplying KnowledgeManagement in M-LearningApplication Development: APilot StudyJournal ArticleInternational Journal ofInformation and CommunicationTechnology Education Sciencesد. مصطفى العمران
Mobile Payment Adoption:A Systematic Review of theUTAUT ModelConference ProceedingsProceedings of 2019 InternationalConference on Fourth IndustrialRevolution (ICFIR) integer orderPartial Differential equations intwo dimensions.د. مصطفى العمران
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A Systematic Review ofMeta-modelling in SoftwareEngineering (Book Chapter).Book ChapterRecent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart ApplicationsFatehah, M., Mezhuyev,V., & Al-Emran, M.
The Impact of WhatsApp onEmployees in HigherEducation(Book Chapter).Book ChapterRecent Advances in IntelligentSystems and Smart ApplicationsJabbar, J., Malik, S. I.,AlFarsi, G., &Tawafak,R. M.
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Techniques For FaceVerification: LiteratureReviewJournal ArticleProceedings of International ArabConference on InformationTechnology (ACIT),2020GhaliyaALFarsi,Dr.Ragad M Tawafak,Ms. AbirAlsideiri, Ms.JasiyaJabbar and Ms.Maryam ALSinani
E-learning Vs. TraditionalLearning for LearnersSatisfactionJournal ArticleInternational Journal of AdvancedScience and Technology,2020Dr. RagadTawafak, Ms.AbirAlsideiri, Ms.GhaliyaAlfarsi, Dr.Sohail Iqbal Malik, Dr.Maryam Al Nueimi, andMs.JasiyaJabbar
An empirical examination ofcontinuous intention to useJournal ArticleEducation and InformationTechnologies,2020Dr Mustafa Al Emran
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Do knowledge acquisitionand knowledge sharing reallyaffect e-learning adoption?An empirical studyJournal ArticleEducation and InformationTechnologies,2020د. مصطفى العمران
ICT ethics-related cognitionamong undergraduatestudents: A grounded theorystudy from a socialconstructivist perspectiveJournal ArticleJournal of Information,Communication and Ethics inSociety, 2020د. مريم النعيمي
Parameters of ICT-associateddeviant behaviour amongOmani undergraduates: Asocio-psychologicalperspectiveJournal ArticleGlobal Knowledge, Memory andCommunication, 2020د. مريم النعيمي
Efficient Route Discoveryand Link Failure DetectionMechanisms for SourceRouting Protocol in MobileAd-Hoc NetworksJournal ArticleIEEE Access, 2020د. بيداء حمزة
Comparison of E-Learning,M-Learning and Game-basedLearning in ProgrammingEducation: A GenderedAnalysis.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning,2020Malik, S. I.,Al-Emran, M., Mathew,R., Tawafak, R. M.,&AlFarsi,G.
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Development of Frameworkfrom Adapted TAM withMOOC Platform forContinuity Intention.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of AdvancedScience and Technology,2020Tawafak, R. M., Malik,S. I., &Alfarsi, G.
Mobile Application SystemSupported BUC StudentsServices and Learning.Journal ArticleInternational Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies,2020Al Farsi, G., Jabbar, J.,Tawafak, R. M., Malik,S. I., Alsidiri, A.,&Alnaimi, M.
Using Cisco Packet Tracer tosimulate Smart Home.Journal ArticleInternational Journal ofEngineering Research &Technology,2020Alfarsi, G.,Jabbar, J., Tawafak, R.M., Malik, S. I., Alsidiri,A., &Alnaimi , M.
IT Governance Impact onAcademic PerformanceDevelopmentJournal ArticleInternational Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning,2020Ragad M Tawafak,AwanisRomli, SohailIqbal Malik,MohanaadShakir
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A web-based model toenhance algorithmic thinkingfor novice programmersJournal ArticleE-Learning and DigitalMedia,2021Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. Roy Mathew,Dr. Raghad MTawafak,Mrs.Ghalia A Farsi
Aligning and AssessingTeaching Approaches WithSOLO Taxonomy in aComputer ProgrammingCourseJournal ArticleInternational Journal ofInformation and CommunicationTechnology Education(IJICTE),2021Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. Raghad MTawafak,Dr. Mohammad Shakir
A Model for EnhancingAlgorithmic Thinking inProgramming Educationusing PAAMJournal ArticleInternational Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM),2021Dr. Sohail Iqbal Malik,Dr. Raghad MTawafak,Mrs.Ghalia A Farsi,Mr. Waseem Ashfaque
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Impact of TechnologiesDuring COVID-19 Pandemicfor Improving BehaviorIntention to Use E-learningJournal ArticleInternational Journal of InteractiveMobile Technologies (iJIM),2021Ragad Tawafak,GhaliyaAlFarsi,JasiyaJabbar, SohailIqbal Malik, RoyMathew, AbirAlSidiri,MohanaadShakir,AwanisRomli
IT Governancse Impact onAcademic PerformanceDevelopmentJournal ArticleInternational Journal of EmergingTechnologies in Learning(iJET),2021Ragad M Tawafak,AwanisRomli, SohailIqbal Malik,MohanaadShakir
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Innovative Smart PhoneLearning System forGraphical Systems withinCOVID-19 PandemicJournal ArticleContemporary EducationalTechnology,2021Ragad M Tawafak,GhaliyaAlfarsi,JasiyaJabbar
Users Acceptance ofElectronic PersonalSynthesis Behavior (EPSB):An Exploratory StudyBook ChapterRecent Advances in TechnologyAcceptance Models and Theories,Studies in Systems (Book),2021MohanaadShakir, RehabAbood, MustefaSheker,Mohammed Alnaseri,Muhaned Al-Hashimi,and Ragad M. Tawafak
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‫الحماية المدنية للمؤشرات الجغرافية‬‏‫في القانون الأردني قيد التحكيم في‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة المنارة – جامعة آل البيت –‬‏‫الاردن‬‏‫د. تركي مصلح حمدان مصالحه‬‏
‫دراسات في فقه الأحوال الشخصية في‬‏‫الشريعة الإسلامية وفقا لقانون ً‬‏‫الأحوال الشخصية العماني .‬‏‫كتاب‬‏‫نشر دار الكتاب الجامعي 2017‬‏‫أ.د حمدي عبدالله نافع‬‏
‫قرينة البراءة‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كاية الحقوق و العلوم السياسية‬‏‫جامعة تلمسان الجزائر، 2017‬‏‫د.اسحاق ابو طه‬‏
‫حقوق طفل الاقليات‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة أكاديميا – كلية الحقوق و العلوم‬‏‫السياسية ، جامعة شليف الجزائر‬‏‫د. اسحاق ابو طه‬‏
‫اثر العدول عن الخطبه وموقف‬‏‫القضاء منه‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الشريعة بجامعة الازهر فرع‬‏‫طنطا‬‏‫د. مصطفى راتب حسن‬‏
‫المواجهة الجنائية لجرائم تزوير وثائق‬‏‫السفر: دراسة في القانون العماني‬‏‫المقارن‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الحقوق، جامعة طنطا‬‏‫بجمهورية مصر العربية 2017‬‏‫د. احمد البرواني‬‏
‫المسؤولية الموضوعية القائمة على‬‏‫الضرر في مجال المعلوماتية. دراسة‬‏‫مقارنة‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة معهد الشارقة القضائي. مجال‬‏‫المعلوماتية‬‏‫د.مرتضى عبدالله‬‏
‫السكوت المعبر ودوره في بعض‬‏‫البيوع المدنية وفقا لقانون المعاملات‬‏‫المدنية العماني‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة جامعة الحمه الوادي. ديسمبر 2017‬‏‫د.مرتضى عبدالله‬‏
‫احكام المسؤولية العقدية عن‬‏‫الاستعمال غير المشروع. دراسة‬‏‫مقارنة‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الحقوق بجامعة جامعة حسيبة ابو‬‏‫على.‬‏‫د.مرتضى عبدالله‬‏
‫الوكيل الذكي وحماية البيانات‬‏‫الشخصية على شبكة الانترنت‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة الامانة أكاديمية شرطة عمان السلطانية‬‏‫العدد التاسع والعشرون – يناير 2019م.‬‏‫أ. د أحمد كمال‬‏
‫حماية الخصوصية المعلوماتية‬‏‫للمستخدم عبر شبكات مواقع التواصل‬‏‫الاجتماعي( دراسة مقارنة)‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون- فرع جامعة‬‏‫الازهر بطنطا – ربيع الاول 1440هـ –‬‏‫ديسمبر 2018م‬‏‫د. محمد أحمد المعداوي:‬‏
‫تنمية الوازع الديني واثره في الوقاية‬‏‫من الجريمة‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة المجتمع والقانون – الادعاء العام‬‏‫بسلطنة عمان – العدد (10) سبتمبر 2018م‬‏‫د. أحمد بن صالح البرواني.‬‏
‫جرائم الانتخابات‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة المجتمع والقانون – الادعاء العام‬‏‫بسلطنة عمان – العدد (13) مايو 2019‬‏‫د. سعيد العلوي‬‏
‫الشروط في عقد الزواج في الفقه‬‏‫الاسلامي دراسة مقارنة مع قانون‬‏‫الاحوال الشخصية العماني‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫المجلة العلمية – كلية الدراسات الاسلامية‬‏‫والعربية بدمياط – العدد (5) نوفمبر 2018م‬‏‫د. سعيد العلوي‬‏
‫طلاق المسحور والمريض النفسي في‬‏‫الفقه الاسلامي‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫حولية كلية اللغة العربية – بجرجا – مصر –‬‏‫العدد (22) فبراير2018.‬‏‫د. سعيد العلوي‬‏
‫اثر الموت في الدين المؤجل في الفقه‬‏‫الاسلامي والقانون‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة روح القوانين – جامعة طنطا مصر –‬‏‫العدد (78) ابريل 2017.‬‏‫د. سعيد العلوي‬‏
‫: التطبيقات القضائية لمسؤولية‬‏‫الجهات الادارية عن أخطائها المرفقية‬‏‫في القانون الاداري‬‏‫– دراسة مقارنة‬‏‫الفرنسي والمصري والعماني –‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫المجلة المصرية للدراسات القانونية‬‏‫والاقتصادية عدد يونيو 2019‬‏‫د. وليد فاروق‬‏
‫أثر الإصابة بفيروس كورونا المستجد‬‏‫- كوفيد 19- في إسقاط حق الحضانة‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الحقوق بجامعة طنطا 2020‬‏‫د. سعيد العلوي‬‏
‫الشخصية القانونية للإنسان الآلي‬‏‫الذكي‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الحقوق بجامعة الكويت 2020‬‏‫د. محمد ربيع‬‏
‫تأثير الجوائح والأوبئة على عقود‬‏‫العمل‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة العلوم القانونية بجامعة الشارقة 2020‬‏‫د. محمد ربيع‬‏
‫الجوانب القانونية للعقد السياحي‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫المجلة القانونية بجامعة القاهرة فرع‬‏‫الخرطوم 2020‬‏‫د. محمد ربيع‬‏
‫النظام القانوني للأقليات المسلمة في‬‏‫البلاد غير المسلمة "التحكيم والتحاكم‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة الدراسات الفقهية و القانونية بالمعهد‬‏ ‫العالي للقضاء بسلطنة عمان 2020‬‏‫د. رمضان إبراهيم علام‬‏
‫الحماية القانونية لحائز المعلومات غير‬‏‫المفصح عنها في مجال صناعة‬‏‫الدواء‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة النشر القضائية ، المكتب الفني للمحكمة‬‏ ‫العليا بسلطنة عمان 2020‬‏‫د. مصطفى راتب‬‏
‫حجية الدفاتر التجارية الالكترونية في‬‏ ‫الاثبات وفقا للقانون العماني‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة دراسات في الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمال‬‏‫بجامعة العربي التبسي- تبسه بالجزائر 2020‬‏‫د. علي البادي‬‏
‫تجديد الخطاب الديني ، مفهومه‬‏ ‫ودواعيه والدور الاعلامي فيه‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة الدراسات الفقهية و القانونية بالمعهد‬‏‫العالي للقضاء بسلطنة عمان 2020‬‏‫د. أميره عبدالرحمن‬‏
‫زيادات الثقات في الاحاديث النبوية‬‏ ‫وأثرها في إختلاف الاحكام الفقهية‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة الدراسات الفقهية و القانونية بالمعهد‬‏ ‫العالي للقضاء بسلطنة عمان 2020‬‏‫د. أميره عبدالرحمن‬‏
‫مسؤولية البنك في حال عدم الكشف‬‏ ‫عن غسل الاموال‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة صدى للدراسات القانونية‬‏ ‫والسياسية بجامعة الجيلاني بو نعامه 2020‬‏‫د. تركي مصالحه‬‏
‫اعادة التنظيم احدى اجراءات مراحل‬‏ ‫الاعسار للوقاية من التصفية‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫المجلة الدولية للقانون بقطر 2020‬‏‫د. تركي مصالحه‬‏
‫المسؤولية المدنية عن الاضرار التي‬‏ ‫اصابت ركاب الرحلة 302 اديس ابابا‬‏ ‫الناجمة عن انفجار الطائرة بوينج‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية القانون الكويتية 2020‬‏‫د. تركي مصالحه‬‏
‫المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول للتربية‬‏ ‫والتعليم / أكاديمية ليمار التركية‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول للتربية والتعليم /‬‏ ‫أكاديمية ليمار التركية2021‬‏‫ا سماح المعمري‬‏
‫المسؤولية المدنية للموثق‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة الكلية العلمية المحكمة – كلية الشريعة‬‏ ‫2021 والقانون – تفهنا الاشراف – الدقهلية‬‏‫د. مصطفى راتب‬‏
‫أثر مبدأ حسن النية في إنهاء عقود‬‏ ‫المدة‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة العلوم القانونية – جامعة القاهرة – فرع‬‏ ‫الخرطوم 2021‬‏‫د. محمد ربيع‬‏
‫خبر الآحاد وأثره في اختلاف الاحكام‬‏ ‫الفقهية‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الآداب للإنسانيات والعلوم‬‏ ‫الاجتماعية – جامعة الفيوم 2021‬‏‫د. أميره عبدالرحمن‬‏
‫أثر الشريعة في تحقيق الأمن‬‏ ‫المجتمعي وعلاج الظواهر السلبية‬‏ ‫(التنمر نموذجا )‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة الخدمات للاستشارات البحثية واللغات –‬‏ ‫كلية الآداب – جامعة المنوفية 2021‬‏‫د. أميره عبدالرحمن‬‏
‫العقود الذكية المبرمة على سلسلة‬‏ ‫الكتل (دراسة مقارنة)‬‏‫مجلة الدراسات‬‏
‫الفقهية والقانونية‬‏
‫– المعهد العالي‬‏
‫تم تحكيم البحث وقبوله للنشر بتاريخ 10‬‏‫ابريل 2022‬‏‫احمد كمال احمد صبري‬‏
‫الحماية القانونية للملكية الفكرية علي‬‏ ‫سلسلة الكتل‬‏‫مجلة الأمانة –‬‏
‫السلطان قابوس‬‏
‫لعلوم الشرطة‬‏
‫تم تحكيم البحث وقبوله للنشر بالمجلة عدد‬‏‫شهر 6 -2022‬‏‫احمد كمال احمد صبري‬‏
‫خصائص الحضارة الإسلامية‬‏‫كتاب‬‏‫مشاركة في مؤتمر مع النشر رقم الايداع بدار‬‏‫الكتاب المصرية 2019/6176 م‬‏‫د.منار المصري‬‏
‫تقلد المرأة المناصب القيادية في ضوء‬‏ ‫مقاصد الشرع الكيلة‬‏‫كتاب‬‏‫مشاركة في مؤتمر مع النشر رقم الايداع‬‏‫بدار الكتاب المصرية 2019/6176 م‬‏‫أ.بدرية الهنائي‬‏
‫أثر برنامج تدريبي مقترح لتنمية‬‏ ‫مهارات الكتابة الوظيفية لدى طلبة‬‏ ‫كلية البريمي الجامعية .‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة ايجهار‬‏‫أ.سماح المعمري‬‏
القواعد الفقهية ‫المتعلقة بالدور‬‏ ‫القواعد الفقهية‬‏ ‫المجتمعي للمؤسسات المالية ورجال‬‏ ‫الأعمال في مواجهة الأوبئة‬‏ ‫والجوائح والكوارث والأزمات"‬‏ ‫مع الإشارة إلى جهود المؤسسات‬‏ ‫المالية ورجال الأعمال في سلطنة‬‏ ‫ُعمان‬‏ ‫كتاب‬‏‫مشاركة في مؤتمر مع النشر رقم الايداع بدار‬‏‫الكتاب المصرية 2021/6176 م‬‏‫أ.بدرية الهنائي‬‏
‫مبدأ الحياد الإيجابي وتطبيقاته في‬‏ ‫السياسة الخارجية العمانية دراسة ‫مقارنة بالفقه الإسلامي.‬‏‫مجلة محكمة‬‏‫مجلة كلية الشريعة والقانون بأسيوط" دورية‬‏‫علمية محكمة‬‏‫أ.بدرية الهنائي‬‏