Diploma Accounting Plan of Study
نظره عامه
Diploma Accounting Plan of Study Structure
لتحميل الملف:
I. متطلبات الكلية العامة (21 ساعة معتمدة) إجبارية
التسلسل | رمز المساق | عنوان الدورة | الساعات المعتمدة | المتطلب السابق |
1. | BCGE001 | اللغة العربية | 3 | - |
2. | BCGE002 | الثقافة الأسلامية | 3 | - |
3. | BCGE003 | المجتمع العماني | 3 | - |
4. | COMP100 | Computers: Their Impact and use | 3 | - |
5. | ENGL002 | General English | 3 | - |
6. | BCGE004 | Study Skills | 3 | - |
7. | BCGE009 | ريادة الأعمال | 3 | - |
II. Department Requirements (39 Credit Hours) Compulsory :
التسلسل | رمز المساق | عنوان الدورة | الساعات المعتمدة | المتطلب السابق |
1. | ACCT220 | Introduction To Financial Accounting | 3 | - |
2. | ACCT230 | Introduction To Managerial Accounting | 3 | ACCT220 |
3. | BLAW280 | Business Law - 1 | 3 | - |
4. | BUS105 | Business Communications | 3 | ENGL002 |
5. | ECON160 | Microeconomics Principles | 3 | ENGL004 |
6. | ECON161 | Macroeconomics Principles | 3 | ECON160 |
7. | ENGL007 | English For Business | 3 | ENGL002 |
8. | FIN303 | الإدارة المالية | 3 | ACCT220 |
9. | MATH103 | Mathematical Methods For Business | 3 | - |
10. | MGT100 | Introduction To Management | 3 | - |
11. | MKT100 | Principles of Marketing | 3 | - |
12. | SOM120 | Basic Business Statistics | 3 | MATH103 |
III. Major Requirements (3 Credits Hours) Compulsory :
التسلسل | رمز المساق | عنوان الدورة | الساعات المعتمدة | المتطلب السابق |
1. | ACCT350 | Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 | 3 | ACCT220 |
VI. المقررات الاختيارية (9 ساعات معتمدة)
التسلسل | رمز المساق | عنوان الدورة | الساعات المعتمدة | المتطلب السابق |
1. | ACCT470 | Advanced Management Accounting | 3 | ACCT230 |
2. | ACCT231 | Cost & Management Accounting | 3 | ACCT230 |
3. | ACCT425 | Senior Seminar in Accounting Theory | 3 | ACCT352 |
4. | ACCT428 | International Accounting | 3 | ACCT352 |
5. | ACCT440 | Taxation | 3 | ACCT352 |
6. | ACCT460 | Auditing Principles | 3 | ACCT352 |
7. | BUS401 | Research Methodology | 3 | SOM120 |
8. | ECON309 | Economics For Managers | 3 | ECON161 |
9. | ECON312 | Banking & Operations Management | 3 | ECON330 |
10. | ECON330 | Money & Banking | 3 | ECON161 |
11. | FIN306 | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 | FIN303 |
12. | FIN431 | Risk Management | 3 | FIN303 |
13. | MGT302 | Supervised Training | 3 | - |
14. | MGT662 | Strategic Planning & Implementation | 3 | MGT100 |
15. | PHIL305 | Business Ethics & Public Policy | 3 | - |
16. | PSY352 | Motivation | 3 | MGT100 |