Translation Program
Programme aims and Learning Outcomes
Programme Aims:
- Enable students to acquire language and translation skills needed in the job market.
- Prepare students who are ready to assume translation jobs in reputable institutions or organizations and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Equip students with ethical and professional skills to be capable of translating different cultural, economic, legal, and technical genres of texts.
- Enable students to communicate information confidently and efficiently in spoken and written discourse.
- Promote diversity and teamwork to help students work in a multicultural environment.
- Help faculty enhance research performance and contribute to national and international knowledge production.
- Provide technology-based learning environments to ensure academic integrity and research ethics.
Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs):
- Demonstrate good control of the four basic language skills for acquiring and exchanging information.
- Employ knowledge of concepts, current issues and research methods in Linguistics and Translation
- Translate different cultural, economic, legal, and technical genres of texts.
- Apply knowledge and principles of translation in order to be professional translators and interpreters in collaboration with the community.
- Develop knowledge of the various linguistic and translation systems to perform efficiently oral and written communicative acts within social contexts.
- Integrate the use of CAT tools and the latest technology to facilitate translation and interpretation.
- Justify awareness and knowledge of language’s role in promoting social and cross-cultural understanding.