Master Program in English Language Studies

Academic Affaliation :
California State University CSUN
Literature Major and Linguistics Major
Program Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Career destinations :
Teacher of English as a second or foreign language at various educational levels, both locally and internationally.
Tuition Fees :
130 OMR per Credit Hour “33 credit hours for program : “Total Tution Fees 4,290 OMR”
The Master in English Language Studies
Program Objectives

Students who successfully completed the M.A program should be able to:

  • Acquire research skills, including proficient use of academic databases, libraries, and other resources, to support independent scholarly inquiries and academic writing.
  • Demonstrate deep knowledge to critically evaluate and interpret various genres, styles, movements and texts.
  • Demonstrate profound knowledge to critically assess and interpret diverse linguistic phenomena, including structures, meaning, and usage.
  • Apply advanced skills in literary analysis, enabling students to critically engage with diverse genres, periods, and cultural contexts, and to produce sophisticated interpretations that contribute to the ongoing discourse in literary studies.
  • Develop advanced proficiency in linguistic analysis, including the ability to apply diverse theoretical frameworks and methodologies to analyze language structures, meaning, and usage, enhancing the student’s capacity to contribute original insights to the field.
Admission Requirements
  • A bachelor’s degree in English Language or a related field from a recognized educational institution.
  • A score of the average of 2.5 out of 4 or its equivalent, i.e. ‘Good,’ or ‘75-79%’.
  • Consideration will be given to applicants/students with a score below the stated grade, provided they have a minimum of two years of relevant work experience.
  • IELTS with minimum band 6 or its equivalent.
  • Students who achieve band 5—5.5 in IElTS are eligible to apply for the Postgraduate Qualifying Program (PQP) at BUC and get admission in the master’s program after successful completion of the PQP.
  • Passing an admission interview.
Intended Learning Outcomes
  1. Graduates will demonstrate advanced research skills, utilizing academic databases, libraries, and diverse resources, to independently conduct scholarly inquiries and produce high-quality academic writing.
  2. Upon completion of the program, students will showcase in-depth knowledge and critical evaluation abilities to analyze and interpret various literary genres, styles, movements, and texts.
  3. Graduates will exhibit profound knowledge in linguistics, enabling them to critically assess and interpret diverse linguistic phenomena, including structures, meaning, and usage.
  4. Students will apply advanced skills in literary analysis, engaging critically with diverse genres, periods, and cultural contexts. They will produce sophisticated interpretations that contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse in literary studies.
  5. Upon completion of the program, students will demonstrate advanced proficiency in linguistic analysis. They will apply diverse theoretical frameworks and methodologies to analyze language structures, meaning, and usage, contributing original insights to the field.
  6. Graduates will develop proficiency in conducting empirical research on literary and linguistic issues. This includes acquiring skills in data collection, analysis, and interpretation, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
Master in English Language Studies Plan of Study
Compulsory Requirements 9 Credit Hours for Literature and Linguistics Tracks
SerialCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursPrerequisiteRequirement Type
1.ENGL510Research Methodology3NoneProgram Requirement
2.ENGL511Topics in Linguistics3NoneProgram Requirement
3.ENGL512Topics in English Literature3NoneDepartment Requirements
Literature Track 12 Credit Hours core + 6 Credit Hours Elective + 3 Credit Hours Master Thesis
SerialCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursPrerequisiteRequirement Type
1.ENGL514Modern trends in English Drama3Program RequirementCore
2.ENGL516Studies in modern English Novel3Program RequirementCore
3.ENGL518Readings in Modern English Poetry3Program RequirementCore
4.ENGL520Seminar in Research on Literary Issues3Specialization RequirementCore
5.ENGL522Postcolonial Literature3Program RequirementElective
6.ENGL524Digital Literature3Program RequirementElective
7.ENGL526Seminar in Critical Theory3Specialization RequirementElective
8.ENGL528Special Topics in Cultural Studies3Specialization RequirementElective
9.ENGL530Comparative Literature3Specialization RequirementElective
10.ENGL532Master Thesis3Specialization RequirementElective
Linguistics Track 12 Core Courses + 6 Credit Hours Elective Courses + 6 Master Thesis
SerialCourse CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursPrerequisiteRequirement Type
1.ENGL513Advanced Studies in Morphology3Program RequirementCore
2.ENGL515Advanced Studies in Pragmatics3Program RequirementCore
3.ENGL517Advanced Studies in Discourse Analysis3Program RequirementCore
4.ENGL519Seminar in Research on Linguistic Issues3Specialization RequirementCore
5.ENGL521Advanced Studies in Syntax3Specialization RequirementElective
6.ENGL523Advanced Studies in Semantics3Specialization RequirementElective
7.ENGL525Topics in Applied Linguistics3Specialization RequirementElective
8.ENGL527Corpus Linguistics3Specialization RequirementElective
9.ENGL529Advanced Studies in Phonetics and Phonology3Specialization RequirementElective
10.ENGL531Topics in Sociolinguistics3Specialization RequirementElective
11.ENGL533Master Thesis6Specialization RequirementThesis